Chapter 14

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Additional Cast:

Frances Fisher as Abigail Fitzgerald

Nathan's POV

"That's it for today, ladies. You can now get your ass at the changing room and get a shower because you all sting." Coach dismisses us from practice. "You, pretty face, come here for a sec." he calls me and Dylan gives me a you-are-so-fucking-screwed look.

"Yeah, coach." I go near him.

"You know you missed two damn days of practice last week, right?" he checks this overused notebook he always carries around.

"It won't happen again, coach." I'll make sure I won't try to play the fucking knight under rain any time soon.

"Our team doctor informed me you almost got pneumonia, kid. And besides that, you showed up at practice last Wednesday. You should take care of yourself. I want my players to be healthy. I might bark a lot but I don't bite. If something like this happens again, take your time to recover completely, alright?" I was expecting him to give me hell, this comes out of the blue.

"Yes, coach." He points at the lockers' door so I get the hint to get out of here.

"And Parker. Don't tell the others about it. I have put the fear of God into them and this might destroy my image." He smirks.

"Your secret is safe with me, coach."

Coach Davis has built a hell of a reputation. He has been loyal to the college's team for almost 20 years and has won 12 championships. He is giving us a hard time but his methods are guaranteed. He is still fucking pissed the team did shit last year and he is doing his best to make sure this won't happen again. I don't blame him, I would do the same if I was in his shoes. I take a shower and get my things from my locker. The cheerleading team is just about to start practice when I leave.

"Hey, Nathan!" Brenda waves and approaches me.

"Hey, you." I give her a smirk.

"How are you?" She plays with her pompoms.

"Fucking tired really." I put my hand on my back. It's killing me really, coach didn't pity us today.

"What do you say if I come by your place later to give you a little massage? These hands are magical." She winks.

"That sounds good." I raise an eyebrow playfully.

"Brenda, are we going to wait for you for long?" the cheerleading captain tells her damn pissed. This girl needs a good fuck to relax a bit.

"Coming!" Brenda yells annoyed. "See you later, handsome!"

Great, now I have just the right night plans. A cheerleader in your bed can be the best company. I mean, the way they flex and open their legs. They are so damn supple. I don't know how they do it but I don't have a problem with it. Quite the opposite actually. John, our team captain drove me at practice but since I had the coach-talk, he didn't wait for me. I have parked my car at campus so I am walking over there. It's early evening and I guess most of classes are finished but there is still a bunch of people walking around or laying on the grass.

"Nathan! What's up dude?" I hear a familiar voice calling me.

"Hey, Joseph!" I go nearby. "All good, man. Just finished practice." He is laying on the grass with headphones in his ears looking completely carefree. This dude has style. I like that. As I like his taste in girls. Claire, the barwoman, was a hell of a way to end my night out last week. She did give me a blowjob at the back alley of the bar. Joseph fixed me up good that night. Let's see what happens today. He is sitting with a brunette girl in some glasses. She hasn't given me a single glance though, she is completely focused on a book she is holding in her hands which seems to weigh a ton and she's eating a vanilla ice cream.

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