Chapter 26

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Additional Cast:

Dulce Maria as Nina Andrews

Toru Uchikado as Ren Kurosawa

Frances Fisher as Abigail Fitzgerald  

Alice's POV

It's 3 pm in the noon and I am sitting in the amphitheatre where I am attending my Spanish class. My stomach is growling, but I have to endure for one more hour. Nina is sitting next to me, watching carefully and taking notes. Spanish is her favourite language after all. I love Spanish as well and I had time to practice it thoroughly, when I was in Europe. I will never get over Barcelona. It's in my top 10 list of my favourite cities. Nina almost got me killed with her glare when I told her that I have been there more than once.

The last week was strangely a really calm one. First of all, I was working day and night on mr. Emerton's paperwork and second I didn't run into Joseph. That was a first one! I sometimes ponder our little chat in the frat party and why he acted so weirdly protectively. First, I thought it was some kind act of jealousy, but then I heard from Nathan that he left full handed with the volleyball captain, and I felt such a moron for thinking that.

"Let's take a break now and we continue in 15 minutes." Mrs. Perez announces and the whole amphi puts the pens downs.

Some people go out, while some others start chatting. Mrs. Perez is talking with a girl, perhaps answering a question.

"I am starving!" I complain to Nina, as I am turning my head to look at her with an I-am-dying look,which makes her laugh.

"It's lunch time, but the class is not over yet." she turns her face to look at me as well.

"You don't say!" I raise my eyebrow. "If you could, you would note when Mrs. Perez pauses and takes deep breaths during the lecture." She gives me a guilty look as an answer. "Don't tell me you truly note that!" I exclaim with wide eyes.

"Well not exactly, but I pretty much write down exactly what she says." she answers with a coy look and blinks her eye lashes.

"Seriously? What are you? The Flash?" Mrs. Perez speaks 100 words per second. It's impossible to catch up with her.

She chortles and gives me a bright smile. Then her phone vibrates from a text, and she flashes an even wider up to her ears, when she sees the sender.

"It's him, isn't it?" I say to her with a playful look. She starts typing fast and enthusiastically.

"Yeah it's him!"She chirps. "Oh Alice he's so great and funny and smart and cute." she effuses over him. Nina can't stop talking about that guy she met at the frat party. They spent the whole night together talking and laughing. At the end they exchanged phone numbers and they haven't stopped texting.

"So you're dating or fooling around?" I ask her, since I can't understand the state of their relationship.

"Well, we've been out several times and we made out some of them, but we haven't declared anything. So, I can't say if we are a couple." she replies with a troubled look.

"But you want to..."

"Of course!" she high-pitches.

"So make a conversation about it. Maybe he's uncertain about what you want, so it's better to be clear with each other." I advise her and she nods.

"Yeah, maybe that's what I'll do. Thanks Alice!" She smiles at me and I am really happy to see her like that. She's so smitten and it's cute.

"So did you finish Mr. Emerton's paper? It took my nights away doing that."she changes the subject.

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