Chapter 34

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Additional Cast:

Dulce Maria as Nina Andrews

Vanessa's POV

We are almost halfway through October. Isn't it weird? I've been a freshman for more than a month now so I guess I can say I made it. College doesn't seem so frightening after all and the fact that I am following a schedule makes it easier. I must admit though I kinda overdid it with the number of lessons that I took. There are multiple projects coming my way and that puts such a pressure on me. It's a good thing that for some of them I have a partner. Tiffany is really punctual and interested in our project for Introduction to Journalism and so is Beth in Newswriting and Reporting. That isn't the case with Nathan though. Anyway, I have made a deal with myself to ignore his presence and realize that I practically have no partner for International History I. I can make it on my own. Well, the truth is that it won't be that easy but I certainly don't need him.

I am heading towards the library to meet Sophie for a study session. Since we don't share the same field, we won't be studying the same thing but we can keep each other company and make small talk. I am making progress into realizing when it is indeed a good time to attempt to start a conversation with her and when to keep my mouth shut. It gets easier time by time and Sophie is now more open to discuss with me. She has been through so much just in one month as a college student. One thing that hasn't changed is her punctuality and interest in being ahead of her classmates, so me and her make the perfect study buddies.

I get into the imposing library building and take a glance around. There aren't many students seeking for a place like this to get concentrate on their academic future. It isn't a matter of place really. They just prefer other activities thinking October is way too soon to study. That is not how I see it. I don't spot Sophie here so I go up to the first floor. Still no sign of her. I hope she didn't forget. Or worse bailed on me. I shouldn't freak out. We are almost officially friends right now. I haven't seen her since Sunday when I popped at her and Joseph's place without an invitation really but I was so worried. She had been quite distant and that made me think of at least a dozen scenarios on what could possibly have gone wrong. Thank God, nothing bad has happened. She was just struggling with others' opinion on who she is, something that shouldn't have bothered her a bit. She is such a strong and brave person, more than she could ever imagine. You can fight against so many things in the world but never against your own feelings. They will be the one to win the battle eventually.

I sit by the window. I love making little pauses from studying and just look at our faculty's amazing garden. I am about to place my things on the desk when Sophie gets outs of the elevator. She is wearing dark blue jeans, a light blue cardigan with a white shirt underneath, and a black blazer that reaches just under the hips.

"Sophie!" I whisper and raise my hand for her to see me.

"Hey!" She whispers loudly. She sits next to me, carrying her backpack and a paper bag. "I brought donuts." She says gesturing the bag.

Okay, Sophie never sits next to me. I believe that makes us OFFICIALLY friends. We have come to study at the library a couple times and this has never happened. Like ever. I remember at the start of the month when she had proposed a study session after the LGBT gathering. I couldn't believe my ears. She was so adorably awkward when she showed up with a bakery box with the best chocolate pie I have ever eaten! We kept our focus on our books for most of the time but we kind of made some conversation. The following week, to my surprise she texted me again. That time we spoke even more during our almost 3-hour study session and when Joseph came to pick her up, she didn't seem upset when he invited me to the grill to have dinner with them. Step by step she has opened up as a person and if you ask me, I think that it is because of Robin. The fact that Sophie has fallen for her, has opened up her heart in a new way. Even if she has just realised it and confessed this to us just a couple days before.

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