Chapter 78

285 11 894


Additional Cast:

Emily Bett Rickards as Emma Taylor

Ansel Elgort as Matt Foster

Booboo Stewart as Grant Simmons

Dulce Maria as Nina Andrews

Robin's POV

I feel a slight pain in my back for some reason, but in my sleepy state I pay no mind. I am lying flat on my stomach with my pillow covering my head and my arms stretched like a starfish so that I pretty much have the bed all to myself. Where is Sophie?

Then my mind kinda works and the mystery is solved. I feel her hair tickling my back and I also feel her head on my shoulder blade. An arm around my waist, a knee hitting the back of my thigh and a cold foot touching my calf, cooling the skin off. She is sleeping half on top of me and even though the extra weight is trapping me to bed, I adore how her body is so close to mine. If only we were topless, but I have to follow the rules and sleep not only with pajama shorts but also with a tee. I would prefer the naked version, but this would require sex or lead to it which will not happen of course. But I don't complain, we had fun two days ago so I got my fix.

I take a deep breath now fully awake and I feel her groan too above me.

"Mmm.... morning." She mumbles and clings to me.

"Morning babe, it's early I think... can you see the time?" I ask still with my pillow above my head. I feel her head rise off my body and move a bit. I also feel my skin itch somehow, which I find weird.

"It's 9:34, you woke up early, babe. Why?" She comments and lies back on her previous spot.

"I have no idea, baby girl. Let's go back to sleep for some more." I mumble and close my eyes again. The arm around my waist starts drawing patterns, making dozing off easy as hell.

"Mmm... Ro... I don't think I can go back to sleep." She puffs and then I feel her arm move from my waist to my shoulder and a pair of lips on my skin. Then pain comes.

"Son of the bitch!" I yelp and my body jerks pushing Sophie away from me.

"Ouch." Sophie mumbles somewhere next to me but I am in a frenzy.

I sit up on the bed and reach for the lamp on the nightstand in a heartbeat, to turn on the light. "Motherchuker!" I continue the profanities and I proceed by starting to take my tee off slowly.

"Ro, what the hell? What is it?" I hear Sophie speak but my body is in pain and too warm and too itchy. In seconds my t-shirt is off and I turn my back to Sophie. "Oh my god." She gasps and I know that it ain't good.

"How bad it is? It feels awful, is it awful?" I ask kinda concerned. I had sunburns before but none of them has hurt that much. "Do I have to go to the hospital? Sophie, answer me!"

"Oh my god... oh babe... um..." She makes out and after I feel the bed sink a bit, I feel her fingers on my skin.

"Shit, that hurts. Ouch!" I groan again and try to avoid contact.

"Oh babe I am so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." She says concerned.

"How bad is it? Tell me, I can take it." I say bravely.

"Um... it's... red... the whole thing. Like really red... oh babe..." She starts again not helping me at all with her vague answer.

"Wait." I say and get off the bed. I run towards the big ground mirror next to the wardrobe and the moment I turn around to see my back, I grimace. "Fuck my life... this looks awful. Shit." I groan once more and with shoulders dropped I walk towards the bed again pouting.

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