Chapter 59

182 11 305

Warning: This chapter contains mild sexual content.


Additional Cast:

Nick Zano as Alex Summers

Marco James as Dylan Fletcher

Sophie's POV

I get momentarily distracted when my phone vibrates next to my book. I see a text from Ro so I stop taking notes to reply.

From babe<3: I am in pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do women need to suffer like that? Urhhggg :( :(

I eyeroll and giggle as silently as possible and open the app to answer back.

To babe: because women need to bleed in order to bare children. It's natural babe. Hang in there and stop being a wuss.

From babe<3: But it really hurts..and it was a rhetorical question babe..urghhhhhhhhhhh. I wanna die!!!!!!

To babe<3: Oh my god stop :P take a warm bath and you will be fine babe I have to pay attention to class. See you later.

I put my phone aside laughing internally at how cute Robin was being with this, but after I stop having too much fun with the situation, a weird feeling settles on my stomach. My girlfriend is hurting. Awww, my babe is in pain and I don't want her to be in pain. I put the notes aside as I grab my phone again to Google search: how to deal with period pain.

I never had a particularly big problem with cramps and I have big pain tolerance so I am kind in the dark here so now instead of taking notes of the boring class about Constitutional Law, I make a list of all the things I will need.

I leave college at 16:00, text Joss I won't be back home until late and take my car to go to Robin's. Once there, I knock knowing Alex will be there and wait for him to open. He opens the door seconds later smiling at me and I wave hello.

"Hello mr. Summers." I say and make my way inside the house.

"Sophie, I told you to call me Alex, and let me guess, she bribed you to be the month's period savior?" he says pointing upstairs. I nod laughing at this.

"Good, I am out of here then. She is taking a nap. Good luck, hope you survive." He winks and leaves the house and I get to the kitchen to leave the bag I am carrying. 5 minutes later I make my way to her room.

Her room is semi-dark, the stores closed and low music playing through the speakers. She is laying in bed hugging her pillow and with the sheet wrapped around her body looking like a burrito facing the wall. I turn on the light and approach her with caution as I sit on the edge of the bed next to her, putting the necessary things on her nightstand. I start caressing her shoulder.

"Robin?" I wait a few seconds...

"Hmmmmmm" she groans and I can't help but giggle. I try again.

"Baby, hey, wakie wakie." I lean to kiss her ear and then her cheek. She opens her eyes slowly, pouting immediately. She turns around, still pout on her face and takes my hand into hers.

"Hi....I am in pain." She states batting her eyelashes.

"I know, and I am here to fix it, baby. Can you unwrap yourself from this burrito? I came bearing gifts." I say and sit up with my back against the bedhead while she removes the sheets.

"What do you have for me?" She asks laying her head on my lap and I play with her hair for seconds.

"Well, seeing you were in pain and I couldn't stand it, I brought you these." I say and twist my body to take what I need from the bedside table and spread the contents on the bed. She gets up from my lap and sits across from me looking like a kid that just saw Santa.

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