Chapter 18

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Additional Cast:

Brenda Asnicar as Danielle

Booboo Stewart as Grant Simmons

Ansel Elgort as Matthew "Matt" Foster

Alex Pettyfer as Steve

Sophie's POV

I make my way to the kitchen, where the red cups are. I have never drunk alcohol before, but now I want to. How dare she say those things? She doesn't know me! That was unacceptable! Clenching my jaw, I reach the table with the red cups, where a guy pours himself a drink. I don't bother engaging in polite conversation, so I just ask him.

"What do you suggest?" I say pointing the liquor bottles and I see him eyeing me curiously.

"For you babe, Vodka! The drink, that everyone likes! Lemon or orange juice?" he asks cockily and I think about it for a second.

I don't like lemon and you are not supposed to drink orange juice at night according to Google's guide to proper nutrition.... " Neither" I say and his eyes widen.

"Are you sure? You don't seem like the drinking type" He says and I groan.

"Just give me a cup!" he narrows his eyes and puts the drink in the cup handing it to me and I take it aggressively.

"Ok, whatever you like" he smirks and I leave the kitchen, getting next to the stairs area. I look at the cup, which is kinda full and bring my nose to it. God, it stinks ethanol! Am I supposed to drink that all at once, or sip by sip? I look around and see people drinking normally from their cups instead of sipping, so that must be the way, right? I look at the cup again, and at the last minute, I close my nose and bring the cup to my mouth, and drink its whole content.

Shit it burns!! Fu..........damn it! What is this stuff? How do people drink that? Shit, I think my throat is ruined! I approach the stairs coughing and sit at the last step as I wait for the burn to stop, while people around me keep doing their stuff. I don't know how long I've been sitting here, it seemed for quite a bit, I have lost track of time, but now I start feeling weird..sort of..I think.. I feel really good, like, this could be a nice party... I think I feel happy and free and light, like I have no care in the world and, let me tell ya, it's awesome!!

Yeahhhhhhh it's all good! woww..

I keep having this euphoric feeling for a while when a very beautiful girl and a very handsome guy are in front of me, staring at me. They look so majestic! Are they from the sky? They are so tall and beautiful! Wow!

"Yo girl, step aside, you're blocking our way!" The guy says and I smile at both of them, getting up.

"You are soooooo beautiful! Are you guys for real?" I say loudly and they don't say anything, just push me aside and I lose my footing. And suddenly, the room is spinning.... why is it spinning? When will it stop? I try to move and find the switch that will make the spinning stop, but everything's a blur! Who made the room a blur? Oh my god, the aliens! The aliens made the room spinning and they must be coming! The NASA has been lying to us all along, they are coming! I freeze, shaking my head trying to focus but to no avail until...

"Sophie? Are you ok?" I hear a voice that I think I know. "Where is Joss? Are you drunk?" The voice keeps asking questions but I can't seem to be able to answer. Who does this voice belong to?

"Hey Sophie, focus"'s Robin's! The voice belongs to Robin! "Look Sophie, I am sorry about earlier, ok? Have you drunk anything?" She asks and I nod trying to move again but I lose my balance and I close my eyes ready to meet the floor..... but instead, two arms grab me keeping me steady.

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