Chapter 61

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Additional Cast:

Grey Damon as Ashton Sanders

Keiynan Lonsdale as Vincent Brown

Valorie Curry as Anna Matthews

Elizabeth Lail as Andrea McKay

Holland Roden as Chloe Rivers

Vanessa's POV

I just can't believe the amount of work I have to do for the class I just attended. I never expected Interactive Narratives to be so demanding. It was really interesting though. I guess it comes at a price. I get out of class, still trying to fit my things in my bag, when I spot Robin at the hallway looking at her phone. She is wearing a black coat and black jeans with combat boots.

"Hey Robin!" I shout at her since I can't run over with all the things I am holding. Either I will drop them or I will slip.

"Hey cutie, how are you?" she greets me with a smile and grabs a book that was about to fall. She is so sweet, I haven't seen since her since, well, last year technically.

"Thank you! I always bring too much at class." I giggle. "How are you? Happy New Year in person, I guess." I go for a hug.

"I am splendid! I had a blast this time, even though you guys were away. Maybe next year we can be all together for the holidays! How about you?"

"I am glad to hear that! Yeah, we had such a wonderful time on Thanksgiving all of us together, we should rearrange something like that." I tell her with a smile. "I had fun, charged my batteries and all, and here I am ready for the new semester!" I say as I finally fit all my things in my back. "I saw Sophie during the weekend. And during the holidays. She is really happy, Robin! You make her really happy!"

"I do, huh?" she says and her face lights up in seconds. "Well, between you and me, she makes me very happy too, she is absolutely amazing. I am the lucky one." She smiles brightly tucking a lock behind her ear. "What's your resolution for this year, Vee? Got anything planned?" She asks next.

"Nah, just the usual." I tell her as we keep on walking down the hallway. "Like college stuff and family related, like I am determined to call my parents more and not panic over my classes. Or at least panic less. Did you have class or are you going to class now? "

"Just finished actually, I am heading home now for lunch and then to Sophie's for a while. You?" Robie is seriously OTP.

"Tell her I said hi." I raise an eyebrow at her and she chuckles. "I just got out of class as well and I am heading over the paper's office."

"Oh, let me walk with you there, it's on my way." She says and mentions for me to walk first as we step outside of the building.

"Oh thank you, I could use some company." Robin is so nice. "How is Sam? And Nicky? I haven't seen them since Sophie's party which was a huge success by the way!" I give her a thumbs up to congratulate her.

"Oh, don't remind me of Sam, she got a bit meaner since the holidays. She complains a lot about being left out, while really, she is the one spending all her time with Nicks. Sophie told you about our sleepover, right?" She says playfully.

"I guess that happens when you are totally in love but at the same time you don't want your friends to feel left out. She is probably struggling to keep the balance she wants to and probably that's why she got a bit meaner. You guys are best friends, I am sure you can find a way to get the best of both worlds." I shrug. "Oh! And by that I mean your friendship and your relationships with Sophie and Nicky. I hope it sounded like that at first, sometimes I just say things that can have some kind of subtext." I chortle awkwardly, while Ro laughs out loud.

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