Chapter 9

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Additional Cast:

 Jessica Parker Kennedy as Sam Harris

Marco James as  Dylan Fletcher 

Alex Pettyfer as Steve 

Sophie's POV

My first class of 'Philosophy of Law' was pretty awesome. The professor, Mr. Davis was my dad's professor too when he was a student here, and I think that's kinda cool, me and dad having the same professor...I wonder how old the professor is..anyway..

I am having a great first week! Now, I am walking down the hallway with my phone pressed to my ear, calling my dad to tell him about the class. He is gonna be so happy to hear about his old professor, since he always talked about and how much he helped him become the lawyer he is now and Mr. Davis' reputation proceeds him. He is well known in this field, so I am pretty lucky to have him.

"Hello hon! How was class?" He sounds cheerful the moment he picks up and I smile at his voice.. yup he is gonna be so excited!

"Hey dad! Just got out of class I told you about. It was so good dad, I loved it! I am so happy about it...oh and guess what? Mr. Davis is my professor too!" I say all at once with one breath.

"Honey I am so happy for you! What? That old man still teaches? Good, hon you are so lucky to have him, you will see!"

"I know dad, how is everyone? Mother and Ben all good?" I ask next, thinking of my little brother.

"We miss you, but we will manage hon. Make sure you visit soon though ok?"

"Yeah dad we will see." I sigh and pout, because Thanksgiving is way too far ahead and I won't be visiting sooner due to all the studying.

"Ok hon, gotta go. Talk to you soon and take care! Tell Joseph to look after you or he will have to deal with me!" He threatens but I know he is just jocking. They wouldn't let me stay with Joss if they didn't trust him and they have known him for so long...they trust him and I do too.

"Yeah dad, don't worry. Love you!" I smile brightly into the phone.

"Bye hon!" I end the call with dad, and I am about to call my mother too, but as I make my way through the hall, I pump into a girl that wasn't paying attention, resulting in her dropping her stuff all over the ground. She ducks in immediately to pick them up but I got a chance to look at her face and the moment I do, I stay frozen in my spot....

Vanessa Adams...a.k.a my grade nemesis! What the heck? What is she doing here? You' ve got to be kidding me!

She is gathering her stuff not bothering looking up to see who pumped into her, so I take the opportunity to turn around as fast as I can to avoid any contact. I will not speak to Vanessa Adams, god be damned! But, I got as far as 3 steps away from her, when I hear her voice, and startled I stop moving.

"Sophie? Is that you?" Damnnnnn.. Now I have to turn around, don't I? With clenched fists, I put on a fake smile and turn.

"Vanessa! Hi!" I say, smile still fake.

"Oh my god! I didn't know you would be here too! I thought that I would be all by myself, none of our classmates got in here! You and I are the only ones! Well done by the way, I hope it was your first choice!" she says cheerfully.

She seems way too keen. She is either too excited to see me, which I doubt, because we are Not friends...or she is faking it!......I vote faking it, she is trying to bring me down, but I won't let her.

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