Chapter 10

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Alice's POV

It's almost 9 Saturday evening and I am standing with Vanessa in front of the movie theatre. It's the closest to the campus(15 minutes driving) and it does a fair student discount. I was lucky to find a parking spot quite easily, so all we have to do is wait for Vanessa's high school friends, Sophie and Joseph.

As we were coming Vanessa was raving about her History classmate slash douche,who ruined her first day, Nathan. That jackass said to her face that he was going to ditch her on the group project and that he didn't care about it. Hearing that made me really angry to the level that I would like to show him a piece of my mind, but Vanessa told me that it wasn't worth to get in trouble because of that. I tried to change the subject, in order to take her mind off of it. I asked her about the people we are going to meet and her mood started to get better.

She told me the basics, that I needed to know. Sophie is in our age, they were classmates and she studies pre-law. She told me she is not the chatty kind of person, but the only one she can talk to non-stop is her best friend Joseph. He is two years older, a Computer science student and very likeable. There's not a single person who doesn't get along with Joseph she confided. Very popular in his high school days.

I trust Vanessa that I probably like them. I need to know people as a freshman and the more the merrier. The first week went really well, as I got to know people from my classes and from the campus in general. The luck was on my side, since I didn't run into the king of vanity and arrogance, who manages to make me from 0 to 60 in 1.2 seconds.

Unlike me, Vanessa will always find something nice to say about everyone, except that Nathan guy, who wants to make her his minion in a history project. How can he be such a dickhead to such a lovely person as her?

She looks so cute wearing her light blue jeans with a pale pink top and ballerinas right now. Her hair is in loose curls.

I asked her if I should pay him a warning visit. Not something too serious like broken ribs and stuff, but something to intimidate him like burning his desk. She bursted out laughing, thanked me for the willingness and said she would deal with it in her own way. I hope she succeeds. I'll be her backup if she needs me.

"I am so excited that we are going to watch Captain America: The Civil War. It's been ages since the last Marvel movie" I say enthusiastically to Vanessa.

"I am too! Such a Steve Rogers groupie!" she gets excited.

"Team Iron Man all the way!" I tell her with pride and she laughs a bit.

Then something catches her glance and raises her hand.

"Hey! We're right here!" she shouts.

I turn around to see her friends and suddenly I stopped breathing.

NOT THIS AGAIN! I see two people approaching us, a brunette girl and a light browned haired guy. And this guy is the person I don't want to see for the rest of my life. And in my other lives too! If I believed in reincarnation.

How on earth does he manage to do that? Appearing on the most unexpected places the most unexpected time! He has to do it on purpose. I can't think of any other explanation. Or I did something really bad and the universe punishes me for that!

When they approached us Vanessa went for the introduction.

"Hey guys. This is-"

"Really? You again? Your obsession with me is endless, isn't it?" he interrupts Vanessa, since the introduction was unnecessary. He raises his eyebrow and that stupid smirk makes its appearance.

"Don't overestimate yourself. It looks like you're the one stalking me. If I had a dime for every encounter with you I'd be a millionaire." I spit at him as I cross my arms.

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