Chapter 35

192 13 347


Additional Cast:

 Jessica Parker Kennedy as Sam Harris

Alice's POV

It's almost 9.30, as we're stepping out of the car, in front of a beautiful suburban house; Robin's home. Vanessa and I have been invited to Robin's birthday party, like three days ago, when we met her at the cafeteria. Robin said "Yo bitches you're so coming to my birthday party and I don't take no as an answer. Get your pretty asses there so we can have a blast!" Vanessa and I bursted out laughing to this original invitation and we said that our asses will be there. Actually I said 'asses' and Vanessa corrected me to 'butts' as a politer word, but anyway a yes is a yes.

We spent the last two hours getting ready, after we decided what we are going to wear. Vanessa said that Robin's party won't be anything glamorous or formal, so we went for something more casual, but still stylish and appealing.

Vanessa wore a dark blue short dress with short sleeves and Oxford black shoes. Her hair is straight and she is really beautiful. I think she should do it more often. Her makeup is really really light and she insisted on me doing it, while I have explained to her a thousand times that I am not a makeup expert. God bless youtube videos and my friend Angela's tutorials.

Me on the other hand, I chose a black halter jumpsuit with cleavage, that makes an 'X' on the back and for shoes the classic black pumps. No matter what, party's a party and high heel shoes are obligatory. Vanessa helped me make my hair into curls which I fixed with bobby pins on my left side. As for makeup, I applied only some black mascara and my favourite dark red lipstick. Finally I didn't put any accessories, other than my usual bracelets that I wear everyday.

Both of us wear a light coat, since it's in the middle of October and it's a bit chilly.

We are approaching the house's door, when we hear footsteps behind us. Vanessa turns to see who are they.

"Hey guys! How are you?" she greets with a happy voice.

I turn around as well and the people who are behind us are no other than Joseph and Sophie. The super duo.

"Hey Vanessa!" Joseph greets her with a smile. "You're lookin good!" he compliments her, eying her from head to toe and Vanessa giggles.

"Hey Alice!" He greets me too with a smile as well. "You're not bad yourself." he jokes and I eyeroll.

"Hey Joseph! You look quite decent, which is surprising" I greet him as well with a snarky comment. He's wearing blue jeans with a dark blue sweater and a black leather jacket. He really can pull any outfit off, and I realize I was gawping for some seconds, so I turn really quickly my eyes to Sophie, who avoids eye contact with me and stays silent. She is holding Joseph by the arm, like she did the other day at the grass, and she grabbed him tighter when I talked to her. That girl has legs! Why she doesn't use them to support herself like all the people?

Vanessa rings the door and a smiley Robin, appears behind it. We wish her happy birthday,before we give her our gifts. When we get in, Robin shows up the way to the bedroom to leave our coats and then we go to the living room, where all the guests are. She hasn't invited too many, but we are enough to fill the place.

I spot Sam and Nicky, Robin's friends I met at the LGBT gathering, and a little further, Nathan filling a drink to his red cup. He raises his head and he shouts to Joseph to join him. Joseph doesn't miss the chance to catch up with his fellow womanizer friend. I guess they have to comment and grade every girl in this room. Joseph,before he goes, turns to look at Sophie and he whispers something to her. Sophie nods and then she goes to sit on the sofa.

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