Chapter 44

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Additional cast:

Jessica Parker Kennedy as Sam Harris

Sophie's POV

"What about Margaret Thatcher?" Robin asks, resting her head on my shoulder. She has her back against the headboard, while I sit between her legs, trying to find a person to write an essay about, for our women's and gender studies on Monday.

"You are a liberal, why do you want to write about Thatcher?" I ask perplexed. I swear Robin's likes are so diverse, it's pretty weird.

"Just because I am not a fan of the right wing, doesn't mean I don't appreciate Thatcher! Besides, the movie made me like her even more. She was a tough cookie!" she giggles behind me and I shake my head.

"She was..half the Britain loves her and the other half hates her. That's admirable. Yes, let's write about Margaret. Grandma is a huge lover." I remark enthusiastically.

"Awesome. We can go to the library and do research." She pecks my shoulder and the contact makes me shudder. I expected her to stop but she keeps peppering kisses all over my nape and then my neck. My eyes close involuntarily and a smile is now plastered all over my face, but a buzzing sound reaches my ears.

I reach the nightstand and grab my phone. "Hey Joss." I greet him and lay back against Robin.

"Hey! I don't know what you are doing, but you and Robin need to get ready. ASAP." He says and I eyeroll.

"What for?" I am sure there's a lame reason behind this disturbance.

"Two words for ya, Ford. Game night. You versus me." He says and I sit up startling Ro.

"Oh, it is so on, Nelson. We will be there, be prepared to have your butt kicked." I exclaim, narrowing my eyes, gritting my determent face on.

"I think your butt will be the one getting kicked. I am better than you, Ford." He continues smugly.

"You wish, Nelson. You are going down. I am calling Vanessa to join your team, loser." I say and hung up, not waiting for him to reply.

"What's happening? Your face looks weird." I get off the bed now excited. Oh, I love a good challenge.

"Game night. Me versus Nelson." I say firmly.

"You mean Joss, right?" She asks raising her eyebrow.

"At times of war, he is Nelson. He is not my friend, he is my opponent. Get up Summers, we are going to kick butts." I wave for her to get up and get dressed into something else, and then call Vanessa.

"Hey, Vanessa, I hope I am not bothering you." I say quickly once she picks up.

"No, of course not, Sophie! What can I do for you?" Always her sweet self.

"Yes, there's a game night tonight at the bar, so me Robin and Nelson..I mean Joss, are going to participate. You have to come." I hope my voice doesn't sound as demanding as I think it does.

"Um, yes ok, Alice and I had planned a Tv series marathon but-"

"Alice can play for both teams! Get ready see you in an hour at the bar." I say and hung up, abruptly. The more we talk the less time I have to figure on a game plan. Time is essential.

"Hey, I can call Sam! She likes these games." Ro chimes, grabbing the phone too.

"Is she any good? I can't afford to have lousy players on my team, Summers!" I pace her bedroom, hyped.

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