Chapter 39

173 11 224

Nathan's POV

The plane's engine wakes me up. Great, I finally managed to sleep for 15 fucking minutes and this damn pilot doesn't know how to drive this properly. Or land I should add. I have no luggage so I grab my jacket and get out of the plane. I need some air ASAP, I'm suffocating. This is how I've been feeling for the last damn hours. It's like my brain can't function right, like my lungs are burning. I couldn't stay another minute at the fucking frat house. I took my car and kept driving around for a while to clear my head off. It didn't fucking work. Somehow going back home seems to be the best solution so I went to the airport and booked a ticket to the first flight. It didn't go as I planned since the next one was 3 hours after. Airports are such a noisy place. And dramatic as fuck. All these goodbyes and hugs and kisses and then that all over again. I guess that's why they end up including huge airports scenes in the shitty girly movies. Not that's my thing of course, they're boring as hell, but half of the times I had a movie date, these damn scenes would keep the chick distracted which meant no action for me.

It's fucking 8 am, what am I supposed to do? Everyone will be sleeping now at home, that's the Sunday habit. I left the frat house without taking the keys for my parents' house so I am left with no choice. I didn't fucking know I will end up here of all places. I guess that's a good thing in a way. I'm pissed for forgetting my keys, I'm pissed at the damn pilot, I'm pissed at the flight schedule, I'm pissed that I'm stuck at the fucking airport. Yeah, I'm pissed at all of these things that leave no place in my head to think of anything else. Or anyone else. That's good.

I order a coffee from the first coffee shop I see and take a seat at the most isolated table. I say goodbye to my isolation ten minutes later as a family with their three children seat next to me. The kids are still in their Halloween costumes. A ninja turtle, a fairy and a Robin Hood with a damn quiver with arrows. No, no, no, I tried a lot to keep my mind distracted, this boy won't mess it up for me. I think of my sister and what she said her Halloween plans would be. Yeah, I can recall, she would dress up as Anna from Frozen and go for a trick or treat with her friend Stacey to whose house she would stay afterwards to eat all the candies since our mom wouldn't let her eat them all in one night. Kate can't resist to sweets. I bet she ate all the candies, chocolates, lollipops, marshmallows-no marshmallows! Definitely no marshmallows! Damn it! How is it possible to drop a million things into your plate but for your brain to instinctively keep returning to this one thing you're trying to avoid? This isn't fucking fair. I take my coffee and get outside. Time for me to go home, I spent too much time at the airport for the day. Kate won't be at home for sure not until noon, they never lose a single cartoon on tv with Stacey. My dad will most likely be at the clinic, he has no days off. My mom will probably be sleeping, enjoying the silence. Maybe she has still the spare key into the pot by the window. Otherwise, I'm waking her up knocking the door. Her only son is back for God's sake, she should be up!

I take a cub and in about 20 minutes I'm home. My dad usually parks his car outside so he can immediately leave in case of emergency. No sign of his car so he is at the clinic indeed. But there's another car that I don't recognize really. I'm about to pay the driver when the front door opens. It's my mom in her robe. Call that a timing. Did she see me from the window? It surprises me she's up so early on a Sunday. She's such a sleepy head. A man follows my mom, resting his hand on her shoulder. She turns back to face him and he embraces her. What is going on?

"Kid, are you paying me or what?" the fucking driver asks me

"Drive. Now. We're leaving." I say the first thing that comes to my mind.

"We're leaving? We just got here." It seems like he is incapable of understanding the English language.

"Just fucking drive!" I yell at him. It works this time.

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