Chapter 46

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Additional cast:

Booboo Stewart as Grant Simmons

Meghan Ory as Claire

Jessica Parker Kennedy as Sam Harris

Joseph's POV

"Before I finish, I want to tell you that innovation and technology are two synonym terms. You can create with technology! To make something unique, something that expresses you, something that will entertain people or something that will help humanity. The possibilities are endless. You have to visualise it and work very hard for it! That's all for today! You're dismissed!" Mr.Roberts, my professor in Human and Computer Interaction, says as he turns off the projector.

He's a tall man with brown short hair and a slim figure, but I doubt he's the athletic type. I think dressing with shirts and trousers helps him look more formal and severe.He's too young to be a professor, but he's very smart and communicates perfectly with his students. His lectures are very interesting and to be honest, I like attending them. I took this class as optional, because I had to complete the necessary number of classes, but I had no idea that I would come to enjoy it this much. I think, I have to thank Grant for that, because he was the one who insisted.

As me and Grant begin getting down the amphitheatre stairs to get out, Mr. Roberts calls my name. "Mr. Nelson, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure!" I answer puzzled and I nod to Grant to wait for me outside.

"I started checking the class' projects and to be honest with you, I wanted to see yours first." he says calmly and my eyes widen in surprise. "I was really intrigued by your project's presentation and I was looking forward to see it."

"So what do you think?" I ask impatiently. It was a hard project, not to mention an individual one, but I enjoyed it so much that I even forgot to eat. Sophie would bring food into my room murmuring 'I'm not your maid, Nelson', but I was grateful she did.

"I am impressed! The idea is original and its materialization is splendid! I am really amazed, regarding you did that by yourself and in such a short period of time." he remarks with a wide smile.

"Thank you Mr. Roberts! I did my best!" I say with a wide smile. I am so proud of myself. I knew that I could do it, but it's so heartening hearing that from such a notable man. I wish my dad was here to listen to that, to see that his money doesn't go on waste.

"I know you did! Imagine what you could do if you worked in a professional team and if you had the right equipment!" He states, moving his hands.

I narrow my eyes, because I don't know where this is going.

"I guess I could do a better job." I say reluctantly, trying to not a brag and keep a low profile.

"That's why I want you to work with my team on a project!" he says and he leaves me jaw dropped. Then, he describes me a bit the project and truth be told, I find it very interesting. "Take your time to think about it! I want you to work with us a few days, like a test to see if you fit with the team. Unfortunately, if you do that, you won't be able to go home for Thanksgiving! We work even on holidays! You will have to sacrifice a part of your free time." he flashes an awkward smile. "Email me the answer! Thank you Mr. Nelson!"

"Thanks a lot Mr. Roberts." We shake hands and he leaves.

What just happened? This offer came out of nowhere! Me working on a real project, as a part of a team, where we can share ideas and realize an innovative technological achievement? I don't think there's something to sleep on. Well, it's the Thanksgiving part I should find a way to pass it on my mother. It's a good thing that my brother will go home, so I guess she should be fine with Dan.

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