Chapter 37

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Additional Cast:

 Emily Bett Rickards as Emma Taylor   

Vanessa's POV

The International History I lecture ends with Mr Theodors praising Chad and Mona's presentation of their assignment, saying he looks forward to read their complete paperwork. They did such a great job really and I believe they just secured for themselves a clean A. For myself on the other hand, things are pretty doomed. I have a few ideas for my project but that's all they've been for now, just ideas. Time passes so fast, it's almost November. I think I can catch up if I put some work this weekend. Let's not forget there's nobody I could count on but myself after all.

"I was so sure you would be the last to get out of class." Emma is leaning on the wall, hands crossed in front of her chest, checking the time on her watch.

"Emma!" My Emma, my best friend in the whole world is here! "I can't believe it!" I hug her tight. "I've missed you!"

"Aaw I've missed you too!" she returns the hug. "But I can see you truly mean it, you can stop squeezing me now." I laugh and release her from my arms. She coughs pretending she lost her breath. Did I say I've missed her?

"How and when did you get here? And what have you done to your hair?"

"You like it?" she instantly makes a turn to show the big change she has done. Her once long blonde hair is now replaced with a brand new pink haircut that reaches her shoulders. "I thought a little refresh was essential. Besides, I needed to make sure I would stand out from the crowd." She says winking at me.

"Like you haven't been doing that since the day you were born."

"You do have a point, Nessa!" she claps her hands congratulating me.

"Haha, you are crazy but I like it." I reassure her. "I would never in a million years do it but it completely suits you."

"I know right? I'm so gorgeous I can even shave my head and still look good." I give her a panicked look. "Ha, gotcha! Relax, I'm not going to pull a Britney 2008." I exhale in relief. "I mean not anytime soon", she goes on. "Gimme your books, you're still so bony to carry them. Oh my God, they're heavier than bricks! Don't you eat?"

"Always exaggerating, Em. I'm actually eating a lot of junk food, Alice and I have vowed to test every single delivery paper that comes in our way. I can't wait for you to meet her in person! She's amazing!"

"Don't you worry, I can tell it myself 'cause I already have. You're such a puppy when you get confused!" She chortles before explaining to me what she meant by that. "Alice was on the "Boom Plan", she knew I was coming and she was the one who welcomed me at your dorm. I came home 3 days ago for Lindsay's birthday, as you know she's the only one of my siblings that I can actually stand."

She puts her arm around my shoulder and we keep walking as she describes me how she got everyone on board, including my parents, for the "Boom Plan", which she named like that because she wanted to make a spectacular "boom" in entrance with her arrival. I've missed her craziness. She is staying 3 days, Friday to Sunday, till she returns to her one true love, as she calls Europe. She's already been to Portugal and Spain but not yet to Barcelona where she's planning to fly right away from here. She's having the time of her life and I couldn't been happier for her.

"So what are this weekend's activities? Do tell!" she asks always ready for a new adventure.

"Well, if I knew you were coming I would have organized something special!" I complain.

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