Chapter 96

113 5 14


Additional Cast:

Nolan Gross as Benjamin Gerrard Ford

Keiynan Lonsdale as Vincent Brown

Grey Damon as Ashton Sanders

Valorie Curry as Anna Matthews

Elizabeth Lail as Andrea McKay

Holland Roden as Chloe Rivers

Sophie's POV

That's it, year 1 is officially over! I can't believe it... it's been the best year of my school life so far, and I have to thank certain people for that. My Robin, of course, this year wouldn't be the same without her, and I don't just mean her as my girlfriend. Even as a friend, she made my days better, funnier, more meaningful.

Joss, for sure, is another person. Our living together proved to be even funnier than expected and not at all tricky. Sure we had bad moments, but how can you hold a cringe when Joss is the person pissing you off? This year I also learnt just how much he cares for me. I always knew that we have each other's backs, but my coming out to him cemented our ties. He is my brother, even if we don't share the same blood.

Vanessa... my sweet and cute Vanessa. I really care about her, and I already consider her my best friend, after Joss of course. I was such a fool all these years, keeping my distance... imagine how we would be now, if we were high school friends. My high school years would for sure be better with her. But I am not sad... there is still time, we have 3 years left to be like sisters, for her to be like my Joss... my Vanessa. That sounds nice, right? I know Vanessa is closer to Alice, due to the same living situation and the hours that they spent together, but I know Nessa sees me as a good friend, plus now that it is summer, we can hang out every day in our home town! We can go to the movies and the mall, and the beach together! I can't wait to go home!

Alice made this year much more interested. We bonded over family stuff, jogging, and my Joss...our should I say, our Joss. Yeah, she is making him happy, and I am happy for them. We are gonna bond more with each other during summer, I am sure of this.

And then there's Nathan. I never thought I would hang out with a Nathan, to be honest, but here I am, having coffee with him, conversations over history books and our siblings. Nathan, although a man of few words, is very talented in what he does, and I really see him as a basketball star in the future. He is a good friend, to Ro and me and the others of course, and a great addition to our group.

We do make a weird group. I wonder if we look funny to the outsiders sometimes.

All and all I had a good year, with its ups and downs, sure, but I was happy most of the time, so it was a success.

And now I am gonna have an even better summer. Ro and I are leaving in 3 days for our trip, thus the packing right now. I promised dad I would bring him souvenirs from the trip and I also promised Ben that Ro and I would take him in a road trip for his 18th birthday. I know it's way too far in the future, but I had no choice. He was sad I will be late for summer, so my heart made me promise, and Ro of course, who was just as moved by Ben's sad voice over the phone. We pinky promised and a Ford and a Summers always keep their promises.

Speaking of the Ford family, I haven't spoken to mom yet, but last night, dad told me that she is happy I am going on a trip and that she is expecting me home for the 4th of July, so I must have returned till them. The fourth of July is a family day, and everyone will be there. I wonder if I can invite Ro for this. It would be a great opportunity for her to meet my family, and for me to officially come out to the rest members. Dad asked me not to tell Julie or the others, till mom is ok with it, so I kept it a secret, but now that mom is accepting it on her owns terms, I could tell them.

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