Chapter 43

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Additional cast:

Dulce Maria as Nina Andrews

Nathan's POV

Waking up at such a time in the morning is one of my least favourite things. Or the least favourite thing really. But a man gotta go to class. Yes, I do that occasionally. Don't forget it is necessary to keep my grades up as well. I don't mind attending my classes, I actually enjoy some of them. Well, kind of enjoy. The early ones are not one of those. I am feeling damn sleepy so I do the one thing that will help my state. Go straight to the coffee shop to get one of those drinks who will hopefully do its magic.

Great, it's too damn crowded as per usual. I spot Robin waiting on the line and approach her. A friend can make the waiting less boring.

"Hey Nate, what up? Big line again, man, this place is mainstream, I should find someplace else." She jokes after she hugs me.

"Morning, Ro. Yeah, when you find that place let me know. This is bullshit." I say pointing at the line. Seriously, there are other coffee shops in campus, why is everyone here?

"Hey, at least they have baked goods, and the best coffee around. Bruh it's better than Starbucks here. The line there is hella annoying." She remarks.

"Whatever." I shrug and check the time at my phone. There's still plenty till the class begins. And it passes pleasantly. Robin is a great company. We take our coffees and sit at an empty table. Apparently, empty tables are a reality at a coffee shop full of people. They all grab the damn coffee and leave.

"So how come a gorgeous lady like you is all by herself? Where's Sam? Or Sophie? She's become your bff number 2, isn't that right?" I ask Robin as I start drinking my coffee.

Out of the blue Robin chokes on her coffee and curses. "What?" she asks.

"What do you mean, what?" I frown. "Every time I see you, you're either with Sam or with Sophie. Now that I am thinking about it, lately I've seen you more with Sophie than with Sam. I guess it's logical to say she has joined your gang officially."

"I can assure you Sophie is not my Bff. She could be, but she is not that exactly." She murmurs mostly to herself, than me.

"So what is she?"

"Hmm....I don't know if I am allowed to say." She says in a cryptic way, narrowing her eyes. "Let me check." She pulls out her phone and types something.

"If you're allowed to say?" I chortle. "Now you got my attention." She stops typing and eyes me for a second, till her phone lights up. She looks at it and smiles before she stares at me.

"Ok, yes, ummm...I know it will sound impossible, I mean it was impossible for me...but.....ok, imma say quick...I am dating Sophie, there I said it." She says and sips her coffee, leaning back at the chair.

"Shut up." I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Yup, Soph is not only queer, she is also my girlfriend! But we are keeping it a secret, so consider yourself lucky to be included." She winks.

"Shut up! You're really off the market?" I ask surprised.

"Why is that so hard to believe? I had a 2 year old relationship, dude!" She feigns offence.

"Two years? Shut up! I had no idea!" I never imagined Robin as the committed type. It's not that she screams she's looking for one-night stands or something but I didn't know she had found the one. "So I guess I have to say goodbye to our wild night out projects?"

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