Chapter 36

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Additional cast:

Jessica Parker Kennedy as Sam Harris

Nick Zano as Alex Summers

Robin's POV

I never got a text back from her on Sunday and on Monday she wasn't at class. I scroll through my insta app hella bored. Sam is still bitter about my decision but she will try and respect it, that doesn't mean though that she won't be an asshole about it. I have a paper due Friday and I've spent my morning here at the library, but mentally, I am absent.

Sometimes I think about giving up and coming to terms that I will probably never talk to her again, but other times I feel certain that she will come around and that we will find a solution. I feel weary and pissed I can't do anything about it but I try to control myself and stick to my promise. Sighing, I turn the page.

My phone vibrates and hope rises as it has been doing so, every time my phone vibrated. It's Sam and my face falls.

I get distracted again a few minutes later when familiar voices reach my ears. Vanessa and Alice are a few feet away from me looking for some books. The protocol of these things say not to bother her friends or ask about her and although I like both girls, they are her friends and I don't wanna make them uncomfortable so I pretend I didn't see them. I focus on my book hoping they haven't seen me as well, but a hand lands on my shoulder and another on my arm.

Both girls are giving me sympathetic smiles as I greet them. I desperately want to ask about her but I don't, so we engage in a unimportant conversation about papers and classes and the Halloween party this week. They can't stay long due to Netflix plans, to which I am invited to, but decline sadly. They both leave, but as I turn to my notes, Vanessa reappears next to me and with a warm smile she says "Don't give up on her, she is nearly there. She will be ready soon." And leaves me.

I get my hopes up again and smile. She will be ready I repeat and studying looks exciting at this moment.

My day involved much better after that, I even managed to write my paper, which like, never happens on regular days and I even cleaned up my room surprising my uncle, gaining snarky comments. Tired but pleased I got ready for bed organizing in my head my schedule for tomorrow. I doze off after a while, but in my sleepy state, I hear my phone ringing signaling a text. I reach for it opening my eyes zooming on the screen.

From Sophie : Can we meet tomorrow after class? I can come by at 4...

Overwhelmed, I type back making unacceptable typo mistakes, cursing myself for being such a fucking nervous-rack.

To Sophie: I would love that. Sweet dreams Sophie.

Sophie's POV

Precisely at 4 p.m. I knock on her door afraid and nervous about how this could go. In my mind it can go 2 ways : a) She will either reject me and never talk to me again, which is most likely because she didn't kiss me back or b)We both agree to forget about it and stay kinda friends? If that is even possible.

The door opens and she is standing there, beautiful as ever. We are both silent but she invites me in with a nod. She closes the door behind me and I feel claustrophobic.

"Let's go to my room" She says and we go upstairs in complete silence.

I sit on her bed and she takes her desk chair moving in front of me. She is the first to speak, sensing I am too nervous to talk. She always seems to know how I feel.

"You kissed me." She states and her eyes look brighter than ever.

"I did..... I am sorry." I whisper afraid waiting for disaster to come.

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