Chapter 52

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Additional cast:

Wallace Shawn as Mr Theodors

Margot Robbie as Susan

Vanessa's POV

It is unbelievable how fast time flies. Here I am on the last day of my first semester as a freshman. I couldn't imagine a better way for this to end than attending Mr. Theodors' class. I think he is by far my favorite professor. I am really looking forward for his last class. Is Nathan going to be there? I am looking forward to see him too. Kind of. We have passed so much time together in the past weeks working on our International History I project that he practically became a part of my daily routine. I mean, I got used to him being around, that's why I am missing him, right? Right. What else could it be? He was a pretty decent partner and that's all. And I haven't seen him since Thanksgiving which was a week ago. And he said we are friends so that explains why I am feeling what I am feeling. The term "special friends" comes to my mind reminding me the label of our relationship. I hate that term now because it is so multidimensional. Like special friends because I don't let him call me 'dude'? Or because he doesn't treat me like the others? Maybe the reason could be that he thinks of me as someone special indeed. But does that amplify that he "expects" things from his special friend? As turning me into a special friend with benefits? He must have a hundred of those so that wouldn't make me special at all. Plus and most importantly, I wouldn't allow it! Even if I am in no position to control my own actions whenever I am around him. Take for example what happened at the victory party after his game which was exactly 13 days, 14 hours and a couple minutes ago. Not that I think about it a lot, I have made a secret vow to myself not to. It is so hard though, almost impossible. I can't avoid replaying the scene in my head every time I see him or someone mentions his name or I drink my chocolate and I smell the caramel flavor. Or when I study at the library and even at my room because we have spent time together at both places. This turns my attempt not to think about Nathan in a total failure. But I have promised myself that I'll fight to keep this thought at the back of my mind.

"Morning, Vanessa." Nathan whispers in my ear, his breath tickling the back of my neck. See? It is like he is destined to be stuck on my brain.

"Haven't I told you ....?" I guess I have to remind him once again.

"To stop doing this? I know, I know. Sorry, I simply can't." He plays with the hands of his bag as he gives me his most innocent look. He is wearing a blue sweater and jeans. His hair is up leaving his forehead clear and his eyes free to put under their spell everyone around including me. Not me! I have to resist.

"Ready for our last class together?" He takes a step back for me to lead the way.

"Yes. I will miss Mr. Theodors for sure. I am definitely taking International History II next year." I sit by the window at Nathan's classical seat and he sits next to me.

"Of course you are. You can't escape dealing with such boring things." He eyerolls.

"It wasn't that boring, was it?"

"Maybe." He smirks.

"I thought this class would be a total disaster but I quite enjoyed it." I confess my first impressions.

"How so?" Nathan asks sarcastically already knowing the answer.

"Because of you of course. Do I have to remind you we didn't start off at the best circumstances?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"We've come a long way since then, haven't we?" He pulls his chair closer and rests his head on his hand while steadying it on my desk. I hate how much I envy for him to do these little things for no reason. To lean closer, touch my hand, caress my cheek, tuck my hair behind my ear.

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