Chapter 28

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Nathan's POV

Every freshmen says his first week is the most important in his college life, thinking everything starts then and if they make it, they're safe. Not my case. College life starts now for real. This week is the first game. I try to act cool and don't think about the pressure that has been put in my name. The team had an awful season last year and now they want me to turn their shit into gold. I'm no God, but I'll give my 110% in the court. Everyday all day practicing. Gym, court and sleep. I have no chance to fuck around. Well, literally that was what I was doing with Brenda last night, but who can blame me? She is a cheerleader after all, her point is to cheer up for the team, right? I leave my car at the parking spot and go to find Dylan, a teammate who needs to work on his shoot right fucking now. He said he'd be close to the stands. Since the first week and the bros party at the frat house, he's been obsessed with the girl Robin hangs out, I believe her name is Sam, making his life goal to "bring her back to the right road". He's a damn idiot really, whose mind is stuck centuries ago, but as he is on the team, I'm stuck with him as well. No sign of Dylan yet, but I spot Robin talking to...Vanessa?

Vanessa is actually doing the talking, moving her hands into the air. I'm guessing she's in the middle of one of her speeches. She's wearing overalls with a flowered t-shirt. That would be enough for me to call her a 4 year old once again, but it somehow seems right for her. So right that some chicks behind Robin are checking her out. Of course she keeps talking to Robin with enthusiasm, not having a fucking clue she's between lesbians. That girl is from another world, no doubt. I decide to barge in the conversation.

"Morning, ladies."

"Hey, Nate!" Robin greets me with a little punch on the chest. "When am I going to kick your ass again? I think I can teach you a few moves just to not embarrass yourself." Vanessa seems confused by Robin's words, but keeps her eyes on the ground. This should be fun.

"You know that was pure luck, don't you? I'm ready for a second round anytime but this week. Thing are fucking crazy with the upcoming game."

"Excuses, excuses, excuses... Just be a big boy and admit you suck at PS! It's on Friday, isn't it?"

"Yes, you both coming right?"

"Sure!" Robin remarks with a beam. Vanessa still has said no word. A week ago I would say this is her being angry at me for no reason. "Oh, how rude of me! Let me do the introductions. Nathan, Vanessa."

"We do know each other. What happened to you chatty mouth? I didn't think you could be that quiet." I tease Vanessa. She finally looks up and gives me a death glare. So deathly like I've killed a dozen of puppies or something. What the fuck. That's all I'm getting from her today. She immediately turns her sight to Robin.

"I have to go. Once again, congratulations on the gathering, I think it was a huge success!" she tells her smiling. "Have a nice day, Robin!" And she leaves. Am I fucking invisible? Robin takes a moment to process what just happened.

"What was that about?" She finally says.

"I have no fucking idea." I admit and raise my hands up in defense.

"Well, you should. Vanessa doesn't act like this. Nathan, are you fucking messing with her?" Robin seems kind of pissed. What the hell is going on? Could somebody inform me for what I'm accused for?

"Are you serious?" I laugh because she clearly can't be. Me messing with Vanessa? Like really?

"Dead serious." Robin grabs me from the arm and leads me a few steps further. She is dead serious indeed.

"What the fuck, Ro. I have no idea why your friend acted like she was bitten by a fucking fly. She's crazy, it's pretty obvious."

"What have you done to her?" She insists.

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