Chapter 75

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Additional Cast:

Grey Damon as Ashton Sanders

Valerie Curry as Anna Matthews

Titus Makin Jr as Shawn Martin

Ansel Elgort as Matt Foster

Emily Bett Rickards as Emma Taylor

Vanessa's POV

It's been an easy day at the paper. Last week we printed the first spring issue so now things are more relaxed as we schedule the articles for next month. I am still writing for the cinema section but this semester I have taken more responsibilities, by participating in the social column as well. Ashton said that I was already helping over there and I should get the credit. I am proud of myself and how things have turned out at the paper. Everyone is lovely, there is a complete absence of arguments and Ashton is doing an amazing job as an editor. I am sending my parents each issue every month. To my mom via email and to my dad via post. He insists that holding the paper in his hands is the real thing. Both my parents, just because they are my parents, love everything and praise every single word I write so I can't count on them. Alice and Emma though are giving me honest feedback and their kind words and thoughts help me improve my journalistic skills.

I am about to turn off my computer when I hear Ashton's voice. He is talking with Aria near the photocopier. He is wearing a checked navy blue shirt and grey trousers. He is nodding to Aria when his eyes fall on me. He gives me one of his genuine smiles and I smile back at him. After the end of their conversation, he comes by my desk.

"You're done for the day?" He asks.

"Yeah, I am heading to the dorms." I say and toss my bag over my shoulder.

"Having planned anything special?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Nah, I'd probably watch some movie. I can't watch any new episodes since Alice has class till late today." I reply with a shrug.

"Okay, I am kidnaping you for the rest of the day." He announces casually.

"You are?" I giggle and narrow my eyebrows.

"Yes, I am. As right now." He smirks and takes me by the hand. "Bye, Anna." He greets her just before we get out of the office.

"Bye boss!" She looks at him playfully. "Bye little cupid!"

"She won't ever stop calling me like that." I roll my eyes as we approach Ashton's car.

"I think it suits you perfectly." He opens the passenger's door for me and I thank him with a smile. He quickly jumps in as well and starts driving.

"So where are we going exactly?" This is weird but entertaining. I have no idea what Ashton has in mind.

"I'll keep it a mystery for a bit longer." My curiosity gets the best of me.

"Any hints?" I try to elicit some basic informations.

"Our first stop will give my plan away." I suppose he is not going to reveal a thing. I sigh and rest my head back. This is so intriguing.

"Fine! Have it your way." I remark lifting my eyebrows.

"You will find out in about a minute." He chortles.

In less than a minute actually, and I know that because I checked the time, we park in front of the grocery store.

"Here we are." Ashton says and gets out of the car first.

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