Chapter 54

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Additional Cast:

Jessica Parker Kennedy as Sam Harris

Dominique Provost as Nicky Cooper

Nick Zano as Alex Summers

Sophie's POV

The first semester is officially over, thank goodness! A few more days and I would have probably cracked under the pressure. It exhausted me. Robin tried to keep me calm these days, especially after the nightmare fiasco, and of course Joss who knows how stressful these days are for me, but still it was so exhausting. Anyway, I got through this and I just can't wait for Christmas to be here, not because I particularly like Christmas as a holiday, but because the break helps me recharge and regain strength.

Also my birthday is coming up next week. I don't know how to feel about that too. At first when I was younger, i used to enjoy birthdays, my family and relatives gathered around for the Christmas holiday so the house was always full, and we celebrated my birthday all together. But the last few years, it became an ordinary day, you know, nothing special, so I can't say I am looking forward to it, like, I could live without birthdays.

I check myself in the mirror and apply my makeup, just a lipstick, and foundation like usual. Ro is taking me out tonight since our exams are over and I would be leaving tomorrow for my home and I won't be able to see her for 2 whole weeks! We are going to the movies tonight, which is something friends do all the time, and it's quite dark in the room, so we could hold hands, without people seeing it.

Soon enough my phone lightens up from a text, telling me Ro is at my front door, waiting for me, so I grab my purse and phone and leave the apartment. I spot her immediately, leaning on her car right outside of the building. She is wearing her grey coat, black ankle heeled boots, ripped black jeans and a burgundy shirt. Her hair is in a bun and she is wearing her dark red lipstick. I like this look on her, she is so sexy!

She smiles when she sees me and stuffs her hands in her coat pockets waiting for me to get near her.

"Hey pretty girl." She smirks my way, but doesn't lean for a kiss on my cheek like we usually do when we are outside, instead she mentions to me to walk around the car to the passenger's seat with a nod of her head. She follows me and with a quick move she opens the door for me and then runs to the driver's seat.

Once behind the wheel, she takes my hand and kisses my palm, and then grabs my chin and brings her lips to mine.

"Hey, babe." I rasp when I break the kiss and wipe out a lipstick stain above her lip.

"Ready for our date night?" she asks enthusiastically and I nod happily too.

"Yes, thank you for this, I wanted to spend time with you before I leave tomorrow morning." I pout at the cruel thought again, like I have been doing the past few days.

"I know babygirl, I wanted to spend my night with you too." she intertwines our fingers and starts the car. We make it to the next block when Ro curses profoundly.

"I forgot my damn fucking wallet! Damn it!" she seems frustrated. "We are gonna have to stop by my house again. Sorry baby." she says and makes a U Turn.

"No, Ro, it's ok, I can pay for the both of us, you don't have to go grab your wallet. It's my treat." I say squeezing her hand.

"What? No, this is MY treat. I am not letting you pay. Don't worry it won't take long." I don't argue and just nod as I turn on the radio.

We reach her house in 10 minutes. She parks the car a block away from the house cause their driveway has cars parked outside, unbuckles and looks at me.

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