Chapter 79

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Vanessa's POV

Something wakes me up in the middle of the night. Well, it's not just something, I know it is my anxiety. I am worried about us losing our early flight. We should have thought about it more before booking the tickets, but I guess it was a sacrifice that had to be made to reserve the cheapest ones. I grab my phone from the night stand. It's 5.06 am. I somehow persuaded Emma to leave the party around 2 because I wanted to prepare our luggage and get some sleep. She didn't complain much since today being the last day, she gave herself a free pass and drank more than usual. She didn't get drunk of course but she was feeling tired and sleepy so the moment we got home along with Robin and Sophie, she slumped on the bed and fell asleep in her clothes between seconds. She is still sleeping next to me, snoring quietly from time to time. My cute Em. The other bed in our room is empty though. Alice must be out as her things are still all over the place. I get up and begin to put her clothes into her suitcase, leaving only her pjs on the bed. I hope she gets some sleep otherwise she will be exhausted during the flight. Now that I think about it, that shouldn't be a problem for Alice since she has traveled with an airplane, dealt with jet lag and adjusted to different time zones countless times. But what about the others? I believe that Sophie and I will be dragging them out of their beds first thing in the morning.

I have to say it was a really fun week! Joseph is an excellent host and his house is lovely. It was so kind of him to invite us all here. It's nice to be a part of such a large group since we rarely manage to do things all together in general. I got the chance to get to know Matt and Nina better. They are such a sweet couple! Matt is treating her like a princess and Nina so deserves it, because she is simply such an amazing girl. I wonder when someone will look at me the way Matt looks at Nina. I have a feeling it is not going to happen soon. I also spent time with Grant, Joseph's other best friend, and I think he is pretty cool even if Emma eyerolled every time he approached us and started a conversation. And that is sort of absurd since she kind of admitted to like him on our girl night. I think Emma had fun too. I am glad she came to share with me my first spring break, I am terribly missing her and it's not like Europe is one step away. I am also glad that she immediately clicked with the rest of the gang. I didn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable by the fact that they don't really know her or ever met her. But Em being her unique charming self won everyone over. She gets along better with Alice and Robin, considering all three of them know how to party and have fun. Speaking of Robin, I know it was a big week for her too. As it was for Sophie. They shared their first public kiss the other day and I couldn't be happier for them both! They are just so adorable together and the whole world needs to know that.

5.24 and Alice is not here yet. I don't have to worry about it. She will probably be with someone from our friends. I can't believe that she was almost thinking about not coming. It's a good thing Joseph persuaded her after all. I can't help but smile at this thought. Six months ago these two couldn't stand each other and now not only they did live together under the same roof, but they seem to be sharing some special kind of bond, if Joseph was the one who made Alice change her mind about her spring break plans. Plus, let's not forget about Alice's drunk revelation about liking Joseph the other day. I guess you can never really know what life holds!

That goes for me and Nathan too. We didn't start off under the best of terms and there was a time when I was kind of avoiding any interaction with him but now... Well now, that has definitely changed. It was nice seeing him everyday and I think I sort of got used to that. I was the first to wake up every morning just to stare at him sleeping on the couch. He was cute as a button and I might have invaded a thick line when I started fondling his hair with no reason yesterday. Okay, maybe there was a reason since it was falling messily across his forehead. Not an important reason considering he was sleeping but anyway. It didn't last long. I was too afraid I will wake him up or someone will pop into the living room. Imagine how awkward that would have been. Note to self: don't ever do that again, Vanessa. Also, was it creepy? I sigh and get downstairs to go to the kitchen. I'll grab a glass of water and then I'll force myself to sleep. I barely have three hours to do that.

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