Chapter 16

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Vanessa's POV

Friday would be my favorite day if it wasn't for him. Favorite class, favorite teacher and he messes it up for me. I put my fighter mode on. Alice and I talked about it yesterday and she prepared me for a proper battle. I do the talking, I don't take orders. She even wanted to show me a couple of moves since she's a pro at martial arts, but I tripped every single time I tried to catch up. The point is, Mr Nathan Parker will listen to me lecturing him and will finally give up his attitude. It's about time.

Unfortunately, he is nowhere to be found at class. And to make matters worse, Mr Theodors has announced what our assignment for this semester will be. Each team has been given a century and we have to work on whichever event of this century we want. We've been given the 16th century. Why do I keep saying we? It's me, myself and I, because I'm alone in this. No signs of partner around. In my attempt to find a solution and keep my head, I take an endless walk at the campus but it doesn't seem to help.

"Hey Vanessa!" Joseph waves at me from the parking spot.

"Oh, hi Joseph!" I approach him. "How are you?" He is wearing a green t-shirt and jeans, while his hair is falling on his forehead perfectly messily like always. He has a black laptop bag on his shoulder.

"I am fine! A bit tired, since I had labs really early in the morning." he answers with a smile. "You? I haven't seen you since the movie night" he makes a grimace with his face.

"Yeah, I have been busy with classes and all. You remember what it is like being a freshman, right?" I exhale.

"Of course I do! I am not that old!" he exclaims and pretends to be offended.

"I didn't mean it that way!" I explain myself laughing. "So, what are you doing here? Are you waiting for Sophie?"

"No! I am waiting for Nathan, a friend that I've met the previous week. He's about to finish basketball practice, so we are going to grab a bite at the grill." he informs and I frown hearing the name of his friend. There are a lot of people with that specific name right?

"Heeeey, Joseph!" I hear a voice behind me. "Sorry for being late, man. Coach kept us longer today. I can see you found yourself some company." Of course I know whose voice this is, but of course Mr Nathan Parker hasn't recognised me until he looks at me. "You?" It seems like he didn't expect Joseph and I to know each other. Well, there are people worth to have a conversation with and who know how to socialize. People nothing like him.

"Yes, me." I eyeroll. "A.k.a, your partner at today's class, which you obviously forgot to attend. I guess you have better things to do." My tone is sarcastic but I don't care. He should at least show up at a class he chose on his own.

"You guessed right." He gives me a fake smile and I wish Alice was here, so she could punch him in the face.

"Woah, woah, guys, what's going on?" Joseph chimes in and we both turn to look at him.

"Nothing worth our time." Nathan smirks. "Let's go, Joss." He starts walking to his car and Joseph follows him. And I follow them both.

"In case you'd like to know, Mr Theodors announced the project we have to do for the semester." I try to keep up with them. Woah, they both walk too fast. "We were given the 16th century and we have to-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would love to hear about that another time." He opens the door to his car. "Or maybe never." His smirk appears once more to irritate me. I stand still for a moment, unable to comprehend how he can be so rude and disinterested. "Will you move or are we going to run you down?" Joseph pops into the car kind of amused by this interaction between me and his "friend".

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