Chapter 6

366 43 282


Additional Cast:

Toru Uchikado as Ren Kurosawa

Booboo Stewart as Grant Simmons

Alice's POV

I feel like a character from the Walking Dead, when I wake up really early in the morning. What sadist makes the schedule and arranges classes at this kind of hour? It's freaking 9am! These hours should be abolished from the clock. If someone checks the history books will see that nothing important has happened on earth before 11.30 am. The sun is shining strong and the only thing that I want is going to bed. My sweet bed. Unfortunately my class is at 10, so I didn't have much of a choice. College is about studying and going to classes, even though the first thing that comes to mind is parties and having fun without being controlled.

I am walking through college campus,among others students who look pretty much in the same state as me, and I am heading to the cafeteria to buy the magic potion to every student,coffee. This is the only thing that keeps me going in the morning. If I haven't drunk coffee I warn people not to talk to me, because first, my brain can't process anything and second, they might cross some dangerous waters. To sum up if you're not coffee don't come close in the morning hours. I probably should warn Vanessa about this. We have been roommates for two days and she is a very sweet person. Like a marshmallow! So I don't want things to go off rails.

Suddenly I feel a vibration in my pocket. I take my mobile out and I've got a text from Ren.
Goodmorning! Did you manage to get up or still struggling with the sheets?

A smile crosses my face as I am reading. If I calculate correctly it has to be 10 pm in Tokyo.

Good evening. To your surprise I am up. Not 100% awake, but at least I am able to walk.

Not a second has passed and I receive his answer: College can really change people! I suppose you're following the smell of coffee?

If we hadn't grown up together, I'd swear he had put cameras on me.

Exactly! I can't fall asleep on my first class. Not the impression I want to give. I text him back.

The conversation went on like this until I reach the cafeteria.

This is at the centre of the campus,thus the biggest one and from my sources the one that makes the best coffee. It's quite big and modern. The primary colour on the walls is white, but there are some spots painted in pale blue. As I am going to the bar I see some students, sitting while drinking their coffee and chatting at the wooden tables,which some of them are in square and other are in circle shape. Others prefer the large red comfortable couches, while others sit at the isolated tables at the depth with their laptops.

I approach the bar that has all the essential for every student such as sandwiches,snacks, juices and tea. I order my coffee from a cute redhead guy with freckles.

"A double cappuccino and a bottle of water please," I say with a wide smile on my face and still have my mobile at hand waiting for Ren's reply.

He says that he has to choose courses for his second semester, since in Japan the academic year started in April. To be a video game designer needs a lot of effort, but I am sure Ren can pull it off.

My cappuccino is ready and I thank the bartender. It smells so good. Coffee's smell is like a drug. Then I am searching for sugar and I see a mini bar behind me with all the coffee staff, so I am heading over there as I put my purse in my bag. I like my coffee sweet, but I try not to overdo it with the sugar, but it's so difficult to resist. At that point it crosses my mind that I have to check where my class is held. I always think about things like that in the last minute, whereas Vanessa has everything under schedule. How does she even do that?

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