Chapter 87

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Additional Cast

Sam Harris as Jessica Parker Kennedy 

Grey Damon as Ashton Sanders 

Robin's POV

I felt her toss and turn all night but I didn't wanna agitate her more by trying to calm her down, so I pretended to be asleep, when I was obviously too edgy to calm myself. I had my back turned to her and stared at my wall the whole night as I listened to her quiet sniffles and deep sighs, feeling desperate myself, for not fixing her.

When the first sun rays pick through my window, I turn around. She is staring at the ceiling, not blinking at all, not noticing me at all.

"Baby?" I say in a low voice and shake her shoulder softly. She finally blinks and shallows, and then turns her head to face me. Her eyes are red and puffy from all the crying and her lips pouty, like they always are in the mornings. "Good morning." I kiss her cheek and then scoop closer to her.

"Morning." She scoops closer as well, so I hug her. Our faces millimeters apart, and our breaths mingling together. "I am not ok." My pretty girl states, excused from everything.

"Ok, baby. I know." I caress her forearm and tangle our feet together, warming up her cold feet with my fluffy socks. "I am sorry I yelled at you yesterday. I didn't mean to. I was scared." I felt really guilty for making her extra sad with my outbreak, letting my fear get to me, and I have to let her know that I love her and will never raise my voice again at her. She nuzzles her head on my neck hugging back as well and faintly nods her head against my skin.

"I know, I am sorry I worried you too." Her breaths tickle my skin as she speaks but I also feel something wet on my skin. She is crying again. So I let her. But this time I whisper loving words to her till she calms down. At some point her phone vibrates on my night stand and I reach for it stretching as far as I can to get it since she makes no move.

13 missed calls from Dad, 3 unread messages from Vanessa and 1, the recent one, from Joss.

Nothing from her mom.

My phone vibrates next and I reach again to the nightstand, while she faintly swifts her body, but she is clinging to me, not letting me go.

From Casanova: will you bring her home or should I come over?

I text him to let him know that I will keep her here for the day so he can come by whenever he wants to. I hope he cheers her up, I really do... he knows her longer so he must know, right?

Then I text Sam.

To Sam: things went to shit. Sophie is a mess. I don't know what to do.

I shift my body as well, and untangle myself from her. "Let me get you breakfast, baby, I will be right back." I kiss her forehead and get off the bed to go downstairs. In the kitchen I see a box with donuts and a note from uncle Alex, saying it's for us and that he went for grocery shopping. I take the box and pour orange juice for Soph, when I get a text again.

From Sam: shitttt. The fuck happened? Is Sophie doing ok? Want us to come over?

And then of course from Nicky: Robin is Sophie ok? Are you ok? We are there for her, please let her know :(

I read at the texts and call Sam as I feel my eyes water a bit.

"Hey, what happened?" It is the first thing she says and I sit on a kitchen chair

"It's my fault!" I say loudly and cover my eyes with my hand trying to stop the tears somehow.

"Hey, Ro, no, hey, listen to me, this is not your fault." She tries but it is not confronting.

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