Chapter 25

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Sophie's POV

From Robin: Hey do you wanna come over today and watch a movie instead of going out?

I look at the screen of my phone for a few seconds blinking, as my mind tries to decide what to do. We hung around together at the gathering yesterday and I can say I had...not a weird time. It was cool and although we talked about getting together to talk about it, I didn't expect her to invite me over for a movie night. Last time she did that, I instantly declined, feeling nervous about being alone in a room with an unknown person, but now Robin is a friend? Yes, I think we must be at that stage now. So it would be rude to decline...again.

To Robin: Yes ok. I am free. What time?

Was that too cold? Did I sound hesitant? That's the thing with messages, you can never tell how the other feels, but on the other hand, I hate speaking on the phone with people. It's more demanding.

From Robin: 7:00?

I can do 7:00

To Robin: Yes. Your address?

From Robin: Kennedy STR,78

To Robin: ☺ 

Ok, so what do I wear? I always wear pjs with Joss because I don't care how I look, but here I have to wear normal clothes. Jeans T-shirt and a cardigan? Yes, sounds good. Next matter: what do I bring? Popcorn? Chips? Cake...Popcorn is better...popcorn.

Times passes rather quickly and before I realize it, it's already 6:30. 10 minutes to the market for the popcorn, 6:40, 10 minutes to Robin's, 6:50 plus 5 minutes in my car waiting...ok, 5 minutes early is good. 10 is lame.

Precisely at 6:55 I am outside her house. It's a two story house with a porch and a garage. It's a nice neighborhood and pretty quiet, a family neighborhood.

I knock on her front door and count 20 seconds before the door opens and she greets me with a radiant smile.

"Hello Sophie! Come on in." She gestures and I walk in the foyer.

"Hey, thanks for inviting me. Here, I brought popcorn" I say giving her the box.

"Hey, you shouldn't have, I got it covered. This is my house and I invited you." She smiles but takes the box. "Well, more food I guess. Come on, this way. The dining room is on the right, the living room on the left, the kitchen is this, next to the dining room here." We walk through the rooms and I look around, "let's go upstairs. We will be more comfortable." she suggests and I nod.

We make our way upstairs and she gives me a tour again. "On your right is my room, I will show you around after the movie, on your left is my uncle's." We pass by the two rooms and go to the end of the floor. There is another room there.

"Here." She opens the door for me and we both get inside. "It's like a second living room. My uncle uses it when I bring people over and we take downstairs. We tend to have series marathons with Sam quite often and we want to be close to the kitchen, so I exile him up here." She says as I look around the room.

It's not big-big, well smaller than the actual living's a normal sized room I guess.. It's got a couch and a TV on the wall across from it, a wooden study, a small bookcase and on one corner there are 4 guitars, a classic, an acoustic, an electric, and an electroacoustic, and a Bass. Wow, that's a collection! I inspect them when Robin comes next to me.

"Remember I told you my dad was a musician? Juilliard graduate. He worked in the movies business for soundtracks and stuff before I was born. A year after that he was offered a position in the college music department, but the accident happened." She shrugs but her face is calm. "Neither of us plays, but my uncle wouldn't sell them, besides, they belong to me now, and the piano downstairs."

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