Chapter 82

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Warning: The chapter contains exlpicit sexual content

Joseph's POV

Guns N' Roses are echoing in my car, as I am parked outside of the dorms, waiting for Alice. Their music is so good! I believe Alice will like this song... I hope she does, because it's one of my favourites. We don't have the same taste in music, but I believe she would like a couple of my favourite songs. Well, I liked the italian of hers...

I want to know so much about her. I've already known some things, but I am thirsty to know more. Everything! She's still a riddle to me; not easy to solve, but that's why I am so hooked on her.

I am sure she will love the place I chose for our date. I've never been there before with any of my flings, because I wanted to be special and original with Alice. The idea of a date was considered to be just a mean to get to the sex, as some girls just need to live the fantasy to take the next step. Who was I to deny that? I always showed subtly, that I was not going to continue further with them and I never gave any fake promises, but I guess living the fantasy beats everything. To be honest, I had bad dates and good ones, but I was never really into them. I always paid attention to the girls I was with, but I wasn't genuinely intrigued or hooked. Now everything has changed.

Alice is walking out of the dorms wearing a light coat, high heels,holding a purse and her brown long hair falling on loose curls. Her legs are naked, so she must wear her sexiest dress as I told her. The thought makes my mouth water and causes a small stir in my pants.

"Hey!" she smiles and she leans for a peck, when she gets into the car. Her lips caress mine, as her curls touch my face, but the kiss was quick and subtle. I grab her to bring her lips on mine again, but she stops me, by putting her index on my mouth. "Lipstick!" she says, pointing at her red fleshy lips. All I do is groan in frustration, as I am turning the engine on.

"You would look just as beautiful without it."

"You are free to remove it after our date." she smiles mischievously. This is very promising."Which is where?"

"Just be patient. You'll see."

"I can't wait." she sits more comfortably and puts her seatbelt on and I hit the road. "Cool song!" she remarks after a while.

"Do you know it?"

"No, but I like it." she moves her head to the music's rhythm.

"Your music taste is becoming more exquisite, as your taste in men."

"Do you really want to do the ex talk?" she raises an eyebrow.

"If your exes were like Steve, there is not a single reason for me to feel threatened." I snigger. Without having discussed about it, I know I am not Alice's first boyfriend. I can tell by our make outs, that she is far from inexperienced, so she must have had a boyfriend in her high school days. I wonder if there were more than one though.

"I remember otherwise." she smirks. "How upset you were of the idea of me sleeping with him or better say... jealous?"

"Me? Jealous? I was just trying to protect you back then... Out of human interest." I move my right hand animatedly, trying to persuade her that jealousy was not the matter. Persuading her or me?

"Keep saying that to yourself, mister. You were so agitated that I was with Steve that night. You had turned red." Alice mocks me, sniggering.

"Because I don't like Steve. If he wasn't a frat president, he wouldn't be that popular. He's not that good looking or smart. And I've seen the way he still looks at you. He hasn't still taken in your rejection. If he lays a finger on you or try any kind of move, I will kill him." I feel my blood boiling, even at the thought of that.

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