Chapter 73

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Additional Cast:

Valorie Curry as Anna Matthews

Grey Damon as Ashton Sanders

Titus Makin Jr as Shawn Martin

Brenda Asnicar as Danielle

Sophie's POV

It's been three days since I apologized, but as predicted I am still in the dog house, and let me tell you it sucks. After our nap that day, we woke up, talked briefly and after that I made my way back home feeling crappier than ever.

Robin's idea of distant is fun if you ask me : a) no kissing on the mouth, but kisses on the crown of my head are alright by her, b) no talking about what happened, which according to a dozen relationship columns I read about fighting with your partner, is the wrong approach and I agree, but no one asked me anyway, c) minimum communication a.k.a good morning-good night via text, d) no pet names, and I am suddenly Sophie again, instead of pretty girl or babe and last but certainly the worst of all e) no 'I love you' back, which hurts like a bitch. I still remember the times I told her that and got no reply, so I have been avoiding telling her, excuse me, texting her because I haven't seen her since, which is completely normal not seeing your girlfriend for 3 days after you said you forgive her.

And rant time is over. I hate it. I hate not seeing my girlfriend, not kissing her and not being able to talk to her. I am miserable and Joss is making fun of me constantly. I hate him. I hate everybody!

But, she was right, I was at fault, so I have to stop complaining about it and expect the fact that my girlfriend is giving me the cold shoulder I deserve. I also deserve cuddles and kisses but she is not willing yet. Also another source of my rant. I am a human with a now normal sex life, which Robin initiated, but we haven't done anything since last Thursday! I am a emotional and physical mess but a mess in the dog house. I hate everything! I miss her. I love her and miss her. When will this nightmare end? I need my Robin back...

I puff and puff chewing corn flakes as I lay on our couch at 11:00. I was supposed to be in class right now but I didn't feel like going today so I stayed home being miserable and moody.

Robin's POV

Ok I feel kinda guilty today. I have been distant for 3 days now and I think my hermite phase is over. I woke up today finally excited for the day to start and to let this stepback behind us for good. Scouts honour! I got to campus at 11:45 for my one o'clock just to see Sophie after her class that ends at 12, but apparently I missed her, because I didn't see her exiting the classroom. That was a bummer, I wanted to see her so much this morning, and hug her, and kiss her...and just breath her in.

I know I was cold towards her and that she didn't deserve it, but this is my coping mechanism. Instead of raising my voice and argue, I stay calm defusing the situation while I scream bloody murder in my head. I know it's not the right thing to do but I don't like raising my voice and fighting in general.

Last night while I was still bitter, I read the Farewell letter by, as it was proven, Johnny Welch, and not Gabriel Marquez, and it made me think things clearer. I thought of Sophie the entire time and I realized I shouldn't have been that distant.. I mean it's been 3 days.. When Nat and I fought, my pissed mood would be over within 24 hours and we would make up right away... But this time, it caught me off guard... 3 days? Never before...maybe it's because what I feel for Sophie is way more mature and real for what I felt with Nat. Sophie is the love of my life, I am sure of this. I love her more than anyone else, she is it for me. But instead of showing this to her, I ignored her.

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