character q & a answered

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as promised,here are the answers to your questions,enjoy💞



"why did you stay in that abusive relationship?"

abusive relationships are no joke and i knew that if i tried to leave that he would go crazy and hurt me,but i had to do what i had to took a lot to accept the fact that i wasn't the problem and that he was.

"how has art improved your outlook on life itself?"

i think that when i started out,it was sort of a way for me to forget about what was going on in the real can be depressing a lot of times and i feel like with art,i'm able to put myself in my own world and block everything else out.i see everything differently now,now i realize how similar art and the real world are.pretty on the outside but depressing behind the curtain.

"how is aaron different from your last relationship and how did you learn to trust him?"

in my last relationship,i felt like i could only limit myself to a certain standard.i never stepped outside of my comfort zone and i walked like there were eggshells beneath me,because i had this fear that i would say or do the wrong thing at any moment.with aaron it's more like he uplifts me to not only express my feelings to him but also to myself.i feel like i never had that before because i was so focused on my fear of somebody else, that i never really had time to ask myself questions about for trust,it was hard at first.but aaron is very determined to make our relationship stronger by the day,as am i. we both believe that trust is one of the key roles to play in the relationship,and that if you don't have that from the start,why waste your time.


"how does it feel to be free from a toxic friendship? would you forgive and befriend chris again if he changes?"

it feels refreshing and relieving.even though i was friends with chris for such a long time,i realized that i was completely blinded by his irresponsible actions and decisions because of his ability to take people under his wing.he guided me and he made it seem as though i could only succeed with him by my side,but i've learned that sometimes it's ok to cut people off that aren't willing to support you and your decisions,regardless of your past for befriending him,i don't think that chris is a bad person,i just think he had the wrong intentions and sometimes he goes too far.i know that he has the ability to change,it's just a matter of him realizing that himself.that might take some time and it's ok for us to take a break while he finds himself,hopefully.

"when did you know forsure that you liked aaliyah?"

that night at riley's when we ate together.i got to see her in a different light,she was relaxed and comfortable and happy.i wanted to not only see that side of her more often,but also be the reason as to why she was like that .it took a while for me to admit it to myself but once it's there,it's there.and it doesn't go away no matter how hard you try.

"are you worried about jessica at all? or chris now that you have cut them off?"

not at all.if there was a reason to feel unsure or slightly worried,i would feel it by now.besides,even if there was,i have completely cut them out of my life,so they have no control over me and my decisions.

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