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(a/n: i'm gonna start doing pov switches,like i did in the last chapter so make sure ur looking out for when the pov changes<3)




the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

growing up,art was never my thing.
i never had a spiritual awakening to it or a talent that was passed down by a family member.
i had nothing.

nobody in my family ever did art,i never cared about art,and the thought of just me having to draw a stick figure in art class made my stomach turn.

i got into art on accident.
i never understood the logic behind 'a blessing in disguise' until i was at a low point in my life and the blessing came out of nowhere.

my interest in art came when i was eleven.
for most people with my artistic abilities,eleven is far too young to start getting noticed.

but i guess i got lucky or something.

when i was eleven,my dad got custody of me and miles,after they took us away from my mom.

i was happy.
i felt free and able to do what i wanted and live the life i wanted to.

until i met him of course.

she wasn't ok.
she needed help and her children weren't the main thing on her messed up brain.

she was crazy.
i don't know where she is now or what she's doing.
and i don't want to know.

after they took us away,my dad had to figure out a way to adjust to having kids once a week to full time.

with him working all day and all night,a lot of basic needs were forgotten about,because he couldn't commit.

whenever he first got us,he was working a shift that wasn't compatible for two kids.

so until his job allowed him to get a new shift,we were stuck at school after hours a lot.

so we got put in an after school program that allowed kids to be watched until their parents could come get them.

at the time,i wasn't exactly in the position to be making any friends.
or pursuing any hobbies.

until i met ms.bass.
she was the art teacher at my school and she taught me everything i know.

even though at the time,i knew about art were stuck figures and crayons,she's molded me into the great artist i've become.

she told me that a gift like mine isn't necessarily something that can be taught,but that it god given.

she said that the ability to create such astonishing work wasn't something that was taught to me overnight,but something that i already had inside of me.

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