They're here (y6)

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It's been a few days since I got the chance to see my friends again even though they were directly below me. March was coming to an end which means I was exactly 3 months in.

Me and Draco sat in our room playing a game of wizard chess.

"Your move malfoy" I smirked. I almost had him in check.

" stop smiling you haven't won yet"

" but I'm not far off and you know it"

"Shut u-" he was suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Who's that ?" I whispered.

"I don't know" he frowned as he got up.

He went to open the door when the lock broke off and it was swung open.

I jumped out my chair.

"Hey ! What's going on !?" Draco yelled at their intrusion.

They pushed past him and came for me. Luckily I was wearing a baggy jumper.

"D-Draco what's happening?" I panicked moving backwards.

But one of the guys gripped my forearm  pulling me forward Into the grip of two other men.

"Let her g-" Draco was pushed back harshly by
fenir who lead the men.

He held his arm against his chest so his attempts to fight back were futile.

"Y/n just stay calm and do what they say" he yelled down the hall. It was the lasr thing I heard him say. What if they know about the child. Dread began to set in.

" who asked for me?" I questioned but no one replied.

They brought me to the living room and opened. the double doors where bellatrix greeted me.

" hello dear glad you could join us" she said with a sickening smile.  

" Let her go !" She quickly snapped at the two men holding me.

The men Let go and I rubbed my arms.

"Come here" she said sweetly extending her hand to me.

" whats going on?" I asked in confusion.

I glanced round the room and had to double take when I saw Ron Hermione and the disfigured form of Harry in the grips of snatchers. I slowly pieced together what had happened. They'd been caught. Why do they need me then.

" I SAID COME HERE ! please" she quickly changed her tone striking me with fear.  

I shuffled my feet in her direction trying to buy myself time to think things through.

She took my hand in one hand then gripped the back of my neck with the other forcing me in Hermione s direction.

"Who is this?" She asked.

Hermione whimpered under the tight grip of her captor.

" what do you mean you know who that is?" I thought out loud this is some sort of test. They're trying to figure out if Harry is Harry. 

"Tell me!!"

"Her-Hermione" I spat out hoping I read the situation right. Hermione gave me no indication if I did

" good "She smirked.

" now if you can identify the one over there I'll let everyone else go?"

She pinched the back of my neck moving me I front of Harry's face

His eyes widened.

"I don't " I took a breathe and steadied my voice.

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