Wedding jitters (y4)

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Once again I was locked in my room only this time I wore a semi triumphant smile as I couldn't wait for my dress reveal but I could wait for the wedding.

I had nothing to do in my room except read school books , I wish I took an actual book that was some how relevant to my situation and told me how to escape or at least had a good story to distract me. 

My thought were cut short by a knock at the door. I didn't answer I just grabbed the nearest object.

" woah calm down"  Draco smirked putting his hands up.

" are you really going to attack me with a copy of  'magical drafts and potions' ?" He smiled

I looked at the book I picked up a dropped it and I took a deep breath and sat down staring at the wall opposite me.

"What do you want ?"

" what ? no how you doing fiancée " his words forced me to return to reality dreading what was coming. 

I took my eyes of the wall to give if a glare.

" hey its not my fault your locked in here"

" of course it's never you"

" I told you to go out the window"

'There he goes again' I thought but I only answered his excuse with a huff. 

"Then you went ahead and tried to run away -l mean what did you think they were going to do?"

"I thought ! I could have one last chance of freedom " I stood up staring him in the eyes.

"Before I was sold to you and your psycho aunt"

His hand covered my mouth pushing me against a wall. 

" shh she might hear you"

I removed his gave with both of mine.

" why do you care ?" I tried to storm back to my bed but he grabbed arm and ran his fingers over my scars.

" did Bellatrix do this to you?"

" what did you think you walked into when there was blood all over the floor" tears started to sell up in my hand.

" and I begged for you to stay or help and you just left"

My breath started to quicken and I felt like I couldn't breathe " I was so . Scared "

I fell to the ground as I tried to catch my breath.

" y/n are you ok ? " he crouched down next to me.

" y/n ! Breathe " my quick breathe turned to sobs. 

" what are you doing ? What's wrong ?"

" I don't want to get married. I'm barely 16.  I haven't even done my OWLS. I'm probably never going to see Ginny again and  im going to be stuck here with her" I hated how vulnerable I felt but I couldn't stop. I cried into his shoulder until I fell asleep leaning on his shoulder.

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