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Steve got to his feet and cleared his throat and walked over to me. He rubbed the back of his head and looked at me, "Please?"

"Is that what you call begging?" I asked, lifting my eyebrow up, "Just cause you're handsome doesn't mean I will say yes,"

"I don't know how to beg!" Steve complained.

I smirked and stepped into him making Tony sigh, "Beg."


"Beg me to help you," I said and he swallowed hard, not able to find his words, "Captain, if you want me to help then you need to beg,"

"If he doesn't want to beg, I will," Bucky piped up and Tony told him to shut up.

"I-uh-can't beg...I lied. I won't beg," Steve said, going a deep red in the face, "Just, you, well, you are the only one who can figure out what is going on,"

I rolled my eyes, "You are no fun, Captain. Fine. I will help but only because you are nervous. What is the problem?"

"Yes!" Tony said, clapping his hands, "Take a seat and I will start."

The only free seat was next to Bucky and I held back a groan when he moved the seat out with his foot. I dropped into it and turned my back on him ignoring his stares. He made me nervous and think about how easy it would be for him to get me naked.

"Oh for fuck sake," I sighed and folded my arms.

"Right," Tony said, "Three days ago one of my warehouses were broken into. The cameras didn't catch the groups faces but they did see a few tattoos they had. No fingerprints were left or no other evidence. I've tried looking at other CCTV cameras around the warehouse but still came up with nothing. The guards were knocked out before they had the chance to get attention,"

"What was taken?" I asked.

"Nothing that would cause the end of the world," Tony said, "Small things. A motorbike I was working on, a few folders on how to fix the bike and a pen,"

"A pen?"

"Yes. A pen," Tony said, "It was dad's pen and I thought I had it here but I must have left it there,"

I tucked my feet under my butt and turned my chair around to face the table. Tony slid the iPad towards me and I zoomed in on the tattoos that were caught on camera. My heart dropped slightly and I swallowed hard, recognising the picture.



I didn't look up and I cleared my throat, "I know who they are."

"That is why we need your help,"

"Who are they?" Nat asked.

I looked up at her, "You know some of my past from London, right?"

"So that is where you are from," Thor chuckled.

"Really not the time brother," Loki said.

"Yeah and I didn't think they would follow me here," I said, quietly, "I had no idea they knew who I was adopted by but I don't know why they are stealing things like that. What I do know, is that it will be bigger next. Back in London, they started off small and gradually become braver and in the end, people died,"

"Who are they?" Bucky asked, "HYDRA?"

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, "It is hard to say,"

"Emily, you need to tell us if it is HYDRA," Clint said, "If it is then we need to find them fast,"

"I don't know!" I exclaimed, "They said they worked for HYDRA but there was never any signs of it. Apart from them being complete assholes, nothing. Don't get me wrong, they knew how to fight, use guns and other weapons but they didn't give any indication they worked for them. I thought they were just wannabe's,"

"What is your connection with them?" Bucky asked.

I sighed, "I grew up in the streets back in London. I was living in an orphanage and I was easy picking. A group found me and looked after me. They convinced me that what I was doing was the right thing. I used to steal, get into fights and trouble with the cops. I knew they were trouble but they treated me like family. A family I never got to have. I was adopted at 17, two days before my 18th and that was the end of that life. I had no idea why they are here though,"

"We will find out," Tony said, "But you need to help us find them,"

I looked at Tony, "You know what happened when they found out I got adopted. You saw the damage I received,"

"And we will protect you. I promised you that when you first came home. You wouldn't be hurt,"

I ran my hands through my hair and sighed.

"Where can we find them?" Wanda asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. They often moved around, never staying put in one place for too long. It would be abandoned factories, underground bunkers or scaring people into staying in their property. Mostly elderly people because they were easy to tie up and keep quiet,"

"Did you help them with that?" Steve asked.

"I wasn't proud of it," I whispered, "But I was a 10-year-old and easily influenced,"

Steve nodded, "Don't worry. You weren't at fault."

"They were also 6 years older than me. I thought hanging around with older people made me stronger. I was just stupid and in need of love,"

"I want you to train in the morning, Emily," Tony said, "I know you can fight but I need you to get rid of the rust and get back to how you were,"

"If anyone was to get rusty, it would be you, metal man,"

"What's in my chest keeping me alive?" Tony asked with a smirk, clearly trying to embarrass me.

"A flux-capacitor?"

The table laughed and I got to my feet, "Who is going to train me?"

"I'd like to say Nat but she has to go somewhere tomorrow with Clint," Tony rubbed his goatee and sighed, "Steve and Bucky. It's the next best thing,"

"Don't worry, Tony," Steve said, "I won't hurt her,"

Tony burst into laughter and shook his head, "Oh, Steve. I'm not worried about Emily. I'm worried about you,"

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked.

"Emily has been trained by me," Nat said smiling, "But, believe it or not, the girl can put me on my ass. It must be the boys she grew up on the street with teaching her a thing or two,"

"Not to mention that our father put her through hard training just so she never got bullied," Tony said, "She is an expert in everything so I'm more worried about you super soldiers,"

Bucky smirked, "We will see about that,"

I rolled my eyes, "Can I leave now?"

"Yes. Someone will get you tomorrow morning to start your training," Tony said, "A little warning though ladies and gentleman...she lives and has been living on the 14th floor. Everyone now has access just in case she needs help. Don't just let yourself in though because I won't blame her for kicking you out of the window. That's all. You can all leave now,"


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now