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I ran and slid across the floor dodging the bullet that was aimed at me and taking out the shooter. My fist met his nose and it crunched, spraying blood onto my face. I didn't have enough time to cringe because someone shot me in the back. Thanks to my brother, the bullet bounced off but it still hurt like a bitch.

I turned to see the man staring at me with wide eyes and I slowly got to my feet walking over to him, "Did you just fucking shoot me?"

"I-uh, I'm sorry, I-" His words came to an abrupt end when I hit him in the throat. He choked and dropped to the floor. I kicked his face kicking him out and I heard a laugh from behind me.

"Sorry, Doll," Bucky said, using his thigh to wipe the blood from his knife, "But that was funny. You should have seen your face,"

"Let's see how you like to get shot next time,"

"Ladies," Tony said in our ears, "You can argue later. Have you found a way in yet?"

I stuck my tongue out at Bucky, "There is a door here. From what Harry said, this might be the entrance to the abandoned station. But there is a problem,"

"And what would that be, Emily?"

"There is no handle. No lock and I can't exactly see any hinges,"

"Yes! It's a secret door. I'm on my way. Try not to die,"

Tony cut off his comms and I turned mine off as Bucky did. He moved to the door and punched it with his metal hand.

"Worth a try,"

"I hope that hurt,"

Bucky laughed, "Doll, are you still upset with me?"

"Yes! You pushed me headfirst into a rubbish bin. Lord knows what was in that but I can still smell hotdog," I said, "Rotten. Mouldy hotdog,"

Bucky smirked at me and put his arm around my waist, pressing his body against mine, "Then I'll wash you down later, Doll. How does that sound?"

"Not nice," I smiled brightly at him, "You and Steve are not allowed near me for at least a week,"

"Doll, don't joke around," He said, "You aren't on...your period,"

I rolled my eyes, "What is it with men and getting grossed out by a bleeding fanny?"

"Doll, fanny means something completely different in America,"

"Fine. Vagina. Pussy. A roll without meat. Flaps. Anything else you want me to add?"

Bucky blushed, "No...not it's all good."

"I'm not on my period no. But my god damn ass and pussy hurt," I muttered, "You two will either have to wank yourselves off or fuck each other. And as strange as this sounds, I'm hoping for the latter,"

"No chance in Hell," Steve said making us jump and he turned off his comms, "I'm not fucking him and he isn't fucking me,"

"Aww, Stevie. Are you scared I'll make you cum harder than Emily?" Bucky joked around and earned a punch in the arm, "Ow. Calm down. I was fucking joking,"

"I can't last a week, Emily," Steve said.

"Now is not the time to talk about sex!" I said and glared at them both, "We are on a mission. If you even think about sex, then you are both on a ban for a month,"

Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now