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"You were right. Your parents were Hydra and they were the top scientists we had," Harry said and sipped his water, "From what I know, they were developing a new super-soldier serum that would be better than the one Captain America and Winter Soldier had. I wasn't sure what was different, but the experiments never did work out. People died painfully and they had run out of test subjects.

"But they were planning for rapid healing, fast reactions and being born with the knowledge of how to fight and use weapons," Harry looked at me, "Of course, if Hydra had kept their hands on you, then you would have been their best asset,"

"How did they manage to lose her?" Bucky asked.

"After they found out that her parents were pregnant, they convinced them to run tests on you when you were still a fetus," Harry said sighing, "They ran other tests and it turned out that you had the perfect match for the serum they had created. Your parents told them that once you were old enough, they could inject you with the serum. But they lied. They didn't want their innocent child being taken by Hydra, so a few days after you were born, they tried to escape. Not without a few casualties. The midwife at the hospital worked for Hydra and secretly injected you with the serum. Once your parents found out, they killed her and made a run for it,"

"Wow," I whispered.

"Yeah. Wow. They had you for a few weeks before they couldn't keep running. It was wearing them down and putting you in too much danger. Their choice to give you away was hard for them but it was the best for you," Harry bit into his lower lip, "What they didn't know was that the orphanage had connections to Hyrda. Any child that showed promise was taken by Hydra and turned into weapons. It was similar to the red room but more intense. They finally found out where you were and told the owners to keep an eye on you. When you turned 10, that's when they sent their new soldiers. Slasher and the others," He shook his head, "I wasn't allowed to go near you because they thought I would tell you the truth and I would have,"

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm not as much of an asshole as you think," Harry said, "I may have been 16 but you were innocent. You had no recollection of what happened to you and I thought you were safer away from us. I tried to warn you that we weren't the family you needed but Slasher convinced you otherwise. You were in too deep by then. You started acting like a lovesick kid and thought that the group would protect you. They were only using you. Training you to think like them and eventually they tried to take you to Hydra,"

"Why can't she remember what happened at 14?" Steve asked, "Did they do something to her?"

"You could say that," Harry swallowed hard and linked his fingers together, "I remember that day and I hated every second of it. Slasher started to have weird feelings towards you. Dangerous and disgusting feelings. Where you thought it was brotherly feelings, in fact, it was worse. He needed you. He wanted to be yours. He wanted to own you. Brand you and make you bend over backwards for him. Anyway, the day before your 14th birthday, Hydra wanted you. You showed promise and he agreed,"

"I'm going to kill him," Bucky said under his breath.

"The boys told you they were throwing you a party and told me to keep shut. I was scared of them and I was scared for you," Harry said, "When we arrived at the factory you were practically bouncing off the walls. They drugged your drink and they were waiting for you to pass out. The drugs reacted differently from how they were supposed to and you were wide awake. Butcher got impatient and smashed your head against the wall, knocking you out instantly. When you woke up you were attached to some machine. I think...I think it was the same machine they used on the Winter Soldier,"

"What?" Bucky said and I looked up at him, "They rebuilt it?"

"Yes. It wasn't difficult to rebuild but they strapped you down and when you woke up, they gave you an ultimatum," Harry said and I felt the palms of my hands start to sweat, "You were to work for them and become the perfect killing machine or they would burn the orphanage down, putting the blame on you,"

"They didn't,"

"No. You broke out of the restraints lost your temper. You didn't like how they were threatening the boys and girls you grew up with," Harry said, "I watched in horror as you kicked the shit out of trained agents., I don't know if I should say this,"

"Just say it," I said quietly.

"The man who tried to convince you snapped his neck and stomped on his face until he had no face," Harry said, "They slammed you back onto the machine and wiped your memories. They kept you there until you were sixteen. When you forgot what happened, again, they let you go. It was just a matter of time before they took you back. But, you were adopted before they could get their hands on you. The Stark family saved you from becoming a mere pawn in their plans,"

"I...I killed people?" I whispered.

"Hey, don't feel guilty about it. They deserved to die,"

"Why are you so willing to speak about this?" Steve asked, "Do you have an ulterior motive?"

"No. I need to leave. Once and for good," Harry said, "I've done things I wish I didn't but I can't keep living like this. You may not believe me but I did try to protect you from the fighting and death. Slasher never agreed but I couldn't let you get too swept up in the blood and gore,"

I swallowed hard, "I know,"

"I did my best. But as usual, my best never was good enough," Harry shook his head and covered his face with his hands, "I'm sorry. I truly am sorry for what happened and what they did to you,"

Tears burnt my eyes and I took a shaky breath, "You always did look after me when they finished. You cleaned me up and put plasters on my cuts,"

"So, what now?" Steve asked, "We let you go and pretend you never did a fucking thing?"

"No. No, of course, not," Harry said, "I wouldn't expect that. I want to help and then you can do whatever you want to me. Honestly, I don't care if you kill me. I don't deserve to live."

"That isn't our decision to make," I said standing up, "Do you know where they are staying?"

"There is an abandoned train station in the city. I can't tell you the exact location because they don't enter there. They head onto the tracks at that big place full of trains,"

"Grand Central?" Bucky asked.

"Shit. That's what it's called?" Harry laughed, "Yeah. Our biggest station is Waterloo,"

I found myself smiling, "You got lost going to buy us a burger,"

"Yeah, I know," Harry said, "I got lost in my own home,"

"Um," I said rubbing the top of my arm, "Thank you,"

"For what?"

"For never doing what they did to me and always...always looking out for me," I said quietly and left the room without another word.


A/N: Hope you like long stories...this one seems to be turning out longer than I thought :)

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Stay weird and fierce <33

Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now