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The pain was back in my head and it wasn't going away. Not since the group had walked into the room. The pain only intensified when I caught eyes with the blond man and the man with the metal arm. I winced in pain and lifted my hands to my head, turning my back on what Slasher was doing with his friends. I had stopped listening to what he was explaining and didn't notice the door reopen and close.

I stepped further away from Slasher and squeezed my eyes shut in pain. A loud ringing noise almost pierced my eardrums and I whimpered in pain, biting down on my bottom lip trying to muffle my pain.

"Emily is in pain," I heard someone say, "What the fuck have you done to her?"

"That is none of your concern,"

Shit. Roman was here.

I quickly dropped my hands and spun around, catching his gaze. My breathing picked up a pace and I gripped the bottom of my shirt tightly. He chuckled and walked over to me, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"I see you have met my Venus," He said, "I'm glad you have all joined me today. I would like to show you what I plan to do in the future. Once we have wiped out your stupid agents and then you. Your super-soldiers will be mine and I will enjoy using them,"

"You won't use us," Blondie said, "No chance,"

"I'll kill you before you even attempt to inject us with more serum," The metal man said.

"Hm," Roman chuckled, "Venus, take a seat,"

I looked at him and then at Slasher who just nodded. I swallowed hard and sat in the seat Slasher was in. I gripped my shirt even tighter and Slasher ran his fingers through my hair, telling me what a pretty girl I was.

I glanced around at the people with guns to their heads and caught eyes with blondie and the metal man. My eyes blurred and I felt sick with pain. I tried to keep my face neutral but tears burned my eyes and a few dropped down.

I didn't know them so why did I feel as if I did?

"Emily," Blondie said, "Come back to us,"

"I...I don't know you," I said and I began to panic, "I don't know you. I don't!"

"Butcher, bring me the serum," Roman said and he was handed a needle full of the serum they had been stabbing me with, "Venus, tilt your head,"

"I don't know them!" I cried, "I promise. I don't know them. Please don't do this. I'll be good. I'll be good!"

"It's ok, baby," Slasher said, grabbing a fistful of my hair, "We know you don't know them. Be a good girl for me and I will treat you later. Ok?"

I nodded, "O-ok,"

"If you fucking touch her I will-"

I grunted in pain when Roman jabbed the needle into my neck. I felt my whole body tense and it felt like fire was running through my veins. I whimpered loudly and Slasher kept a tight grip on my hair.

"This is only the beginning," Roman said, "Venus has gone through a lot of treatment so she can take the pain. Well, most of the pain,"

My lips parted and I cried out in pain. I squeezed my eyes shut and I felt my head drop forward. I always knew that after the pain ended, it was as if my body had reset itself. My emotions were no longer there and Roman could get me to do whatever he wanted.

Once the pain had subsided, I let out a shaky breath and I heard Roman laugh.

"Venus," He said, "Look at the faces in front of you and remember them well,"

I slowly lifted my head, scanning the faces.

"Do you remember them?"

"Yes, sir," I said quietly.

"Good," He smirked at me, "Because I want you to kill them but the super-soldiers will be ours."

"Yes, sir," I said standing up. I felt Slasher push a gun into the palm of my hand and I lifted my gun up, pointing it at one of the men sitting there. I saw the panic flash through his face and I smiled at him, "Don't worry. I will make it quick,"

"Emily, stop this!" He yelled, "I'm your brother. Enough!"

"I don't have a brother," I said and before I could shoot, the door was kicked in and all hell broke loose. I dropped to the floor as bullets started flying around the room and I glanced at the window, "Shit,"

I shoved the gun into the waistband of my trousers and quickly ran to the window. I covered my face and jumped through it, the glass shattering around me. I grunted as I landed on the floor, but I got to my feet and ran through the streets trying to get away from the mayhem.

I managed to get away and I jogged down the side of two buildings and rested my back against the wall. I swiped the sweat away from my face and dropped onto my ass. The throbbing pain in my head was back and I covered my face. My mind was a scrambled mess and faces I didn't recognise were rushing through. Confusion hit me like a truck and when I saw Blondie and the Metalman, tears began to stream down my face.

"What the fuck?" I cried quietly and I hugged my knees to my chest. I hated this. I wanted to know what was going on but Slasher refused to tell me and it only made me want to know more. I had tried to search their documents to find out who they were and if we had known each other but every time I went onto the computer, someone kicked the door down and dragged me kicking and screaming to where Roman was.

"Found you,"

I jumped to my feet and pointed the gun at the man in front of me. He lifted his hands in the air and the man next to him did the same.

"It's ok. We aren't here to hurt you,"

"Who the fuck are you?" I glared at them.

"Um, it's hard to explain who we are," Blondie said, "But you mean a lot to us. We haven't officially said what we are but...Buck, a little help,"

"We both love you. So fucking much and we just want you to come back home. To us,"

"I...I don't know you," I whispered, my hand shaking, "Who are you?"

"Princess," Blondie said, "Please, baby, you do know us,"

"Princess?" I said, looking at the floor.

"Yeah. You are my Princess," He said, "You need to remember, ok?"

"I...I can't. I've never met you,"

"Yes, yes you fucking have, Doll," The other man snapped, "Steve, I'm done being nice,"

The gun was knocked from my hand and the man wrapped his arm around my neck, squeezing tightly.

"I'm sorry, Doll," He whispered in my ear, "But I don't have a choice,"

I gasped for air and I slapped at his hands as my vision blurred.

Everything went dark on me and I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness.


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now