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I was fighting my inner demons.

I had already ripped a chunk from the chair I was sitting on and now I was pacing trying to control my anger. I didn't care if I was wearing the carpet down or if I was pissing people off. I needed to do something.

My heart had shattered into a thousand pieces after what we had just watched. I wanted to leave the room and find my girl but I knew I couldn't. For once, Steve was right. We needed to think logically about what could be done to bring her back.

I almost applauded at how much she pissed them off and making a weapon out of something so fucking simple was genius. But I was scared for her. I was so fucking scared.

"Bucky, you need to sit down," Tony said.

"How can I sit down when my..." I paused and swallowed hard, taking a deep breath, "When my friend has been taken from us. How are you so fucking calm?"

"Just because I'm calm on the outside doesn't mean I am," Tony said getting to his feet, "I made a promise to my parents that I would protect her at all costs. My stupidity got her taken. We should have known it was a trap,"

"But it has happened and we need to think about what we can do," Nat said, unfolding her arms and standing up, "Bucky, we are all angry but you need to calm the fuck down before you do something stupid. Now, take a seat and breathe,"

I nodded once and walked back to my broken seat, twitching just to get up again, "What are we going to do?"

"I've spoken to Harry," Steve said and I looked at him, "He is devastated and I don't think he is lying. He genuinely looked heartbroken that Emily was taken. We might be able to use him,"

"I don't trust him, man," Sam said, "He told you where to find them and then you walked into a trap. I don't think he is as stupid as he seems,"

"I looked into his head," Wanda said quietly from the corner of the room, "Such a horrible life but he cared a lot for Emily. He didn't know it was a trap and he wants to help. He is just too scared to ask,"

"Wouldn't you be?" Tony frowned, "Terminator is ready to tear people apart,"

"At least I want to do something,"

"Buck," Steve said, "Not. Now,"

Steve sent me a warning look and I backed down, "How are we going to do this?"

"Bring Harry up," Tony said looking at Maria, "He is the only one who has an idea on the whereabouts. I tried to track the video but nothing. Not even my brains or technology could break their firewall,"

"I'll take Bucky and Steve to canvas the area to see if we can find any clues," Nat said, glaring at the both of us, "Well? Are you coming to rescue our girl or what?"

Steve and I glanced at each other before walking out of the room. We followed her in silence and when we got to Emily's floor she punched us both in the arm.

"What was that for?" Steve asked.

"Oh, you think I don't know what is going on?" Nat shot out, "Admit it. Now before I go insane,"

"Admit what?" I shrugged.

" love her. Don't you?" She asked and I swallowed hard, "Don't play games with me boys. I'm not a fucking idiot. I know when people are lying. Tell me the truth before I beat it out of you,"

Steve and I looked at each other once again, then nodded.

"Yeah," Steve said.

"We love her," I muttered.

"And have you told her that?" Nat asked folded her arms.

"You are more invested in whether we told her that instead of asking what you really want to ask?"

Nat finally smiled, "I knew you've both been with her. I know the girl well so you know, tell me a bit about it before anyone else finds out,"

"No one else will find out," Steve said, "This has to be our secret. We don't want to risk her being taken away by Tony,"

"It would kill us,"

"So you both love her, both have been with her and holy shit. She took your virginity!"

"Now really isn't the time to talk about that," Steve muttered, his face going bright red, "It was bad enough that Bucky was there-"

"Holy. Fucking. God," Nat said with wide eyes, "I knew she was a kinky bitch and Bucky as well, but you Mr Rogers? The Captain America in a threesome? This is fucking gold,"

I couldn't help but laugh, "Look, Nat. Big deal. We've seen each other's cocks and watched each other fuck Emily...then at the same time but! That really isn't important right now. You've found out what we have done, you know we both love her but we need our girl back,"

Nat nodded and couldn't stop smiling, "You wait until I get my hands on that girl. I know she will give me all the juicy details,"

"Nat!" Steve and I said in unison.

"Sorry, this is just too good," She said and put her hands on her hips, "Ok. We will get into trouble for doing this but I've spoken to, let's say, an old friend of mine and they can find her before Tony does. She owes me a favour anyway. Are you up for it?"

"That's a stupid question," I said, "I've gone against Tony before what makes you think I won't again?"

"You are currently fucking his baby sister?" Nat said, "I'm sure that will turn out worse than you going behind his back to rescue her,"

"Nat, seriously?" Steve sighed.

"Ok, ok. Fine. I'll stop...for now," She winked at us, "Gear up. We will leave as soon as we can. I need to say something though before we leave,"

"Go ahead,"

"What happens if they have wiped her memory and made her into the soldier they want?"

My heart almost stopped beating in my chest, "She wouldn't let that happen,"

"Yes, I understand that but you both need to think about the what if's. I need to know that you will do anything to bring her down without killing her," Nat said, "I love her and I need that girl back home. I will help you but I need to trust you will hurt her if need be,"

I nodded, "I will. You Steve?"

"I don't want to hurt her but if I have to, then so be it,"

"Good," Nat said, forcing a smile, "Hurry up and get ready. Time to rescue Miss Stark,"


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now