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"Are you sure that is all is wrong?" Tony asked Bruce.

"Yes. I've run test after test," Bruce said, "She hasn't gone through any mutation, she isn't pregnant and she isn't turning into a monster. She was put through a lot of stress and the machine she had been attached to caused slight damage to her cells. Thankfully, she has the serum in her veins or we would be having a different conversation,"

"So she is healthy?"

"Oh my god," I sighed, "Tony, I'm ok. It was just the stress of everything. It was a nose bleed. You have had worse!"

"I know, but you are my sister and I worry about you,"

"I'm fine,"

"I know, I know," He said taking his glasses off to rub his eyes, "I can't help but worry. I finally got you back and you get into a fight with those idiots and you have a sudden nose bleed. Emily, I thought I was going to lose you," 

"You won't lose me,"

"I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I lost you again," Tony grabbed my hand, "I promised to protect you but I've nothing of the sort,"

"Oh shit. Are you going to cry?"

"No!" He laughed.

"Good. I wouldn't want you to short circuit," I smiled.

"Wow. How original," He smiled back, "Now, about those boys,"

I groaned, "I'd rather not talk about that, thank you very much,"

"I'm not standing up for what they said but they were probably scared," Tony said, "People say things they don't mean when they are scared. I can tell they both love you with everything they have. Even if I think it's weird and slightly gross that you were, well, you know with them both,"

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, and I'm sure Bruce doesn't want to hear it either,"

"I don't," He muttered.

"So let's drop it," I said, "I can't forgive them for what they said to me. It was uncalled for and it hurt me. They have killed hundreds yet I kill someone who did horrible things to me and I'm the bad guy?"

"I may understand why they are upset," Tony said, "No, hear me out. What they said was plain rude and nasty but on the other hand, they may have said things like that because they didn't want you to live with the guilt. Killing someone isn't easy and you have to live with that for the rest of your life. Look at Bucky, he is still going to therapy for everything that he has gone through and all the lives he has taken. He killed mum and dad against his will, but he has to live with that. He has to look at me every single day and he is now in love with their daughter,"

"I know," I said quietly, "I think it hurt more when he agreed with Steve,"

"And Steve well...he is a gentleman. He still lives in the 40s where he thinks that a man should protect a woman," Tony said, "He still struggles on a daily basis. And seeing the woman he loves to take a life must have been hard on him. I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to put a bullet between the man's eyes,"

"So, you are telling me that he said those things because he was jealous or annoyed that I got there first?"

"I have no idea what is going on through either of their heads, I'm just telling you what might have been,"

"Whatever. I'm not going to bend over and spread my legs for them just because you had this talk with me,"

"And with that, I am out of here. I don't want to know what you'd do when you forgive them,"

I laughed, "Oh shut up Tony. You need to oil your joints. You are acting more and more like dad every day. Getting old, bro,"

"I may be old...well, older than you but I don't need any oiling," He smirked, "Ask Pepper. She will tell you,"

"Oh, I will,"

Tony's eyes went wide, "No you won't. Shit. Forget it. I know you and you have no shame,"

"That's me,"

"You are gross and annoying,"

"And you are old and creaky," I said, "But you are my brother so I love you,"

"And you are a bitch with the matureness of a five-year-old. But you are my sister so I have no choice but to love you," He said ruffling my hair, "I also give you permission to go out tonight but on one condition,"

"Go on,"

"Some of the avengers have to be there,"

"Like I care. If I get to go out and have a drink, I couldn't give two fucks about who is there,"

"Good," Tony got to his feet, "Then you won't mind if Steve and Bucky are there,"

"Oh for-"

"Loki, Sam and Thor will join you and the girls," Tony patted my head, "Just don't antagonise any of them. I don't want a call in the middle of the night asking to be bailed out,"

"Like I would do that,"

"During the first few months of you moving to New York, dad got around 20 calls from the police station telling him he had to pick you up," Tony said, "A year after our parents died, I was getting 5 calls a week asking me to drag your sorry ass out of jail. So, yes. I probably would expect a phone call especially if you get into a fight. Anyway, I'm going to oil my joints and see my wife. Don't bother to call me unless you really need it,"

I stuck my tongue out at him as he almost twirled out of the room and Bruce sighed.

"Oops. Sorry. We forgot you were there,"

"It's ok," Bruce smiled, "I faded into the background. I do need to talk to you about something though. What did they do to you? When they stopped your chances of getting pregnant,"

"Oh," I said quietly, "I remember what happened. Everything. Even the first time they tried to brainwash me. But this was a few years after. They knocked me out and when I woke up, they told me that they had removed a few things and I was unable to fall pregnant,"

"They lied," Bruce said, "You have every organ still in there. The only thing they did to you, was tie your tubes but when you were taken to London, I think they reversed the procedure,"

"Oh fuck. Please don't tell me I'm pregnant!"

"No, no, nothing of the sort," Bruce said, "But I could tell how upset you were when you told them they took that away from you,"

I winced, "You saw that?"

"I did. Emily, you have a choice and no one will take that away from you," He said patting my hand, "You should probably head back to your floor. Nat is looking forward to getting drunk and having fun,"

" you think I should forgive Bucky and Steve?"

"Hell no," Bruce said, "They don't deserve to be forgiven so quickly. Make them work for it and don't give in no matter how handsome they are. If they truly loved you they wouldn't have said something like that. Or they should have at least explained it better. Now, please go. I have a lot of work to do,"

I jumped off the bed and hugged Bruce, "Thank you. This is why you and Hulk have always been my favourite,"

Bruce hugged me back awkwardly, "This is probably why Hulk would kill anyone who upsets you again. Maybe I should warn Bucky and Steve,"


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now