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"Yes!" I said punching the air, "Stevie, you are in for a great week,"

Steve dropped his face onto the bed, "I never should have agreed to this. Ever,"

Bucky had a shit-eating grin on his face, "So are you, Doll. And me. But poor Steve,"

"You have a good poker face," Steve mumbled into the bed, "This is not fair,"

"Maybe you should learn how to play poker better. You need to work on your poker face," I said and he sat up with a sigh, "I'll teach you,"

"I'm never playing again,"

There was a knock on the door and we looked up to see Tony poke his head in, "Am I interrupting something?"

"No. We just finished a game of poker," I said, collecting my pile of truth and dares, "Is everything ok?"

"Hard to say," He said rubbing his chin, "Are you ok to leave the room now?"

"Am I allowed to leave?"

"Bruce said you are ok but we are having a meeting and we need everyone there,"

"We can bring her up," Steve said standing up.

"Sure. Bucky...a word. Now,"

Bucky glanced at me and Steve before following my brother out of the room.

"What was that about?" I asked Steve and he shrugged, "Is he in trouble?"

"I don't know," Steve said putting the cards back in their box. He slid the box into the back pocket of his jeans and folded his arms, "Emily, I have a question for you,"

"I can lock the doors and strip for you within seconds," I said, playing with the button on my shirt and his eyes went wide, "Oh, was that not what you wanted?"

"No!" He exclaimed, "Look, stop offering yourself onto a plate. Don't be like that,"

I rolled my eyes, "Steve, stop being such a gentleman. If Sharon tried it on with-"

"Sharon is not my type," Steve muttered, "She won't leave me alone,"

"Tell Nat,"

"Sharon would go missing,"

"And that would be a problem?"

"Yes," Steve said, "Stop distracting me. Is there something going on with you and Bucky?"

I felt my heart skip a beat but I kept a blank look, "What makes you think that?"

"I know Bucky and he definitely has feelings for you," He said with a smile, "I think it would be good for him and-"

"There isn't anything going on," I said, "You and I both know how bad that would end,"

"Is this because he was the Winter Soldier,"

I rolled my eyes and swung my legs out of bed, "No. That has nothing to do with it. If you seem to have forgotten, I am off-limits,"

"Then why do you keep offering yourself to me?"

"Who wouldn't?" I laughed, "Steve, we are just friends. That is all,"

"If you say so but if you did, you know, hook up or get together, then I will support you. I will also keep it a secret,"

"Thanks but nothing is going to happen," I smiled and patted his arm, "We should probably find Tony before he thinks we are having sex,"


I sat on the chair, spinning around not listening to what Tony had to say. It didn't involve me so I didn't have to pay attention. I hoped anyway. Bucky was sitting behind me so every time I spun, I saw him trying to stop smiling. I gave him the middle finger the next time I spun around and he snorted and covered it up with a cough.

"Emily, you are annoying me now," Tony said, "Stop. You need to listen to this now,"

"Sorry," I said, grabbing hold of the table, "What's wrong?"

"Have you looked in a mirror today?"

"Only this morning. Why?"

"Take a look," Nat said sliding a mirror over to me. I accepted it and looked at myself before putting the mirror back down, "Now do you see why we are worried?"

I swallowed the painful lump in my throat, " is this possible?"

"Bruce is on his way here with an explanation," Tony said and he folded his arms, "I need to know if you ever took drugs or were injected with something,"

"I don't know!" I said, putting my head in my hands, "I never touched drugs back in London. I hated when people did them and I certainly didn't put a needle near me or let anyone,"

"You might not have known," Clint said, "It could have been when you were drunk, asleep or in a fight,"

"I...I don't know," I whispered and Bucky coughed slightly, "I don't!"

"Don't stress too much," Tony said as Bruce walked through the door, "What have you got?"

"It depends on how you take it," He said sitting down, "Emily, your blood results came back and they aren't normal,"

"What have you found?" Thor asked, "Is it anything we should worry about?"

Bruce took his glasses off and shook his head, "I don't know,"

"Can you just tell me? I'm fed up with this now,"

"You have some abnormalities in your system and I ran your blood against Bucky's and Steve's. I know why you have healed rapidly," He said and my blood ran cold, "You have the serum they were injected with running through your veins. But there is something else in there that is different but I don't know what it is right now,"

"I...I have to go," I said and I quickly walked out of the room. By the time I reached the lift, someone grabbed my arm, "Tony, what the hell is wrong with me?"

"I don't know," He said, hugging me, "But I will figure this out. I promise,"

I nodded and he held me at arm's length, "Wouldn't I have known if I was injected? Steve said he was in a lot of pain and even Bucky said it hurt!"

"Emily, I don't have the answers right now but I promise you, I will get them,"

"I need to talk to Jester,"

"Who told you?"

"It doesn't matter. I need to talk to him. Now,"

"I can't let you do that," Tony said.

"That man is responsible for most of my childhood trauma," I snapped, "Even if you don't let me see him, I will see him whether you like it or not. So tell me where the fuck he is,"

Tony let out a small sigh, "Fine. However, you won't be alone with him,"

"Honestly I don't care. But I have some questions for him and he better answer them,"

"Nat would be the best one," He said, "Maybe Bucky. Since he knows how HYDRA worked."


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now