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I woke with a headache.


But I also woke with two men with their heads asleep on my bed. I slowly pushed myself up and I swung my legs out of bed. There was a sharp pain in my neck and I sighed, remembering that someone stabbed me with a needle.

"You're awake,"

I jumped at the husky voice behind me and I ran to the far side of the room, "I-I am,"

The man called Bucky rubbed his face and elbowed Steve awake, "Emily? How are you feeling?"

"Like I was stabbed with a needle," I said, glaring at him, "Can you tell me what is going on please?"

"Can you not remember anything other than our truth or game?" Bucky asked and I shook my head, "Do you at least remember our names?"

"Steve and Bucky,"

"Do you remember how we met?" Steve asked.

I shook my head, "No. I...I know that I was supposed to kill you but I sort of...don't feel like doing it anymore,"

"I suppose that is a start," Steve stood up, "Are you hungry? I can get you something to eat?"

"I...I'd like that. Thank you," I said quietly.

"It's no problem, Princess,"

I frowned and rubbed my forehead, "Princess...princess..."

My vision became blurry and I grabbed my head as a memory came to me.

"Did you hear that Steve? She wants to have a threesome with us,"

"No!" I exclaimed, looking between them, "I said I had thought about it!"

"Same thing, princess," Steve said and my stomach burned.

Princess. He just called me princess.


"Emily, are you ok?"

I gasped and opened my eyes to see Bucky and Steve in front of me looking worried. I swallowed the lump in my throat as more images flashed through my head and my bottom lip trembled. 

"We-we had a threesome," I whispered and they stared at me with wide eyes, "It-it was the first time you called me princess and holy fuck! I need some space! Of all things to remember! I just had to remember that first."

" remember us?"

"No! I just remember that we had a threesome," I said, digging my fingers into my head, "I need to get out of here. I need to go to Slasher. I won't be kept here any longer,"

Bucky grabbed hold of me and his lips crushed against mine. I felt my eyes flutter close and his tongue found its way into my mouth, kissing me even deeper. My heart raced in my chest and I started to breathe heavier. 

When he pulled away he put his hands on my face, "Slasher isn't your boyfriend. He was only using you so Hydra could get control of you. You hated him. You loved us. You need to remember,"

I swallowed hard and lifted my hands to rest on his face, "No can do,"


Bucky grunted loudly as I slammed my forehead against his and as Steve reached for me, I kicked him in the nuts. I leapt over their groaning bodies and crashed through the door, racing through the halls with no idea where I was going. I heard them yell after me but I didn't stop. My bare feet slapped against the floor and I kicked a door open, entering an office. I slammed it behind me and ran over to the desk, stopping when I saw a photo sitting on the desk.

My heart jumped into my throat and I picked up the photo frame.

The pounding in my head was awful but I was too scared to close my eyes. Just in case the photo disappeared and I was dreaming. I knew this photo.

"That was a few days after we landed in New York,"

I jumped at the voice and looked up to see a man standing in the doorway holding a glass of amber liquid, "Is this me?"

He nodded and stepped further into the room, kicking the door shut, "Yes. You were so afraid when we first got onto the plane but I reassured you that everything would be fine. You had never been on a plane before and you spent most of the time looking at the world fly by below us. It took a while to convince you to use the bedroom to sleep but you refused. You didn't want to be alone so you slept on the chair next to me. I had never felt so much love towards another person before and I knew from that moment on that I would protect you from everything that is thrown at you,"

My eyes drifted back to the photo and my eyes blurred with my tears.

"You never had a family but you already knew that," He said stepping next to me, "The orphanage you grew up in wasn't a proper one. I think dad knew that and he saw you. So innocent and full of life, that he couldn't leave London without you. It didn't take long for him to talk mum and me into it. Mum fell in love with your bruised face and couldn't leave someone so precious behind,"

"These are my parents?"

"Yes," He said putting his hand on my shoulder gently, "They may not have been your biological parents, but they were better than you could ever ask for. You were very close with them. They treated you as their own flesh and blood, just like I do. You were the most beautiful thing in the world and they did everything they could to keep you out of trouble and steer you towards the right path. Just like I have been doing since you came into my life,"

"I...I don't know why. I'm just trouble,"

"But you are my trouble. My baby sister and I love you. When you were taken from me, I almost lost my head but I had to stay strong and not do anything too rash," He said, turning me to face him, "Emily, I know that it is hard, but you need to remember. It hurts knowing that you can't remember us. Me. Your older brother. The one who scared away boys because I didn't like their fucking shoes or the way they walked. I want to sit up till the early hours of the morning watching shitty movies and eating pizza. But I can't do that knowing that you don't even know my-"

"Tony," I whispered, tears rolling down my face, "I...I'm so sorry,"

I burst into tears and buried my face into his chest, hitting my face against something hard and I cried even louder. Not because it hurt. Because I remember him getting angry at me for calling it the flux-capacitor,"

"I see the flux-capacitor is still working," I said through my sobs, "Tony, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!"

"Shh," Tony said hugging my back tightly, afraid to let go, "You have nothing to be sorry for. It's me who should be sorry. I didn't protect you but now you are back, I will do everything I can to keep you safe. You have my word. I love you, Emily,"

"I-I love you too," I sobbed.


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now