349.Face It Together

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Ottawa, Canada

By the time Bambam and uncle Oh arrived outside Yang Yulins apartment it was already half past six.

"Is this where she lives?" Uncle Oh asked in a hoarse voice.

Bambam slowly nodded his head.

Grabbing Bambam's hand, Uncle Oh asked, "Kun, is she really alive? Is she really living here?"

"Yes father she is. She is living here peacefully leaving both us to deal with all the mess." Bambam said.

"What if she is not the one? What if I don't get to see her today?" Uncle Oh asked.

Wrapping his arms around Uncle Oh's shoulder, Bambam said, "Let's go inside."

"Sir you both go inside and bring her out. We will stay outside." A man said.

Bambam nodded his head and left along with uncle Oh.


Apartment no.45

"Flora do you think you'll be okay all by yourself?" Christi asked.

Flora nodded her head and said, "Of course you don't have to worry I'll manage. You just go and enjoy your vacation."

Giving her a hug, Christi said, "You are the best. If not for you the department would never agree for this vacation."

Flora smiled and said, "You don't have to thank me."

Just then someone knocked at the door.

"I'll go check." Flora said.

When she opened the door, Flora widened her eyes in shock when she saw who it was. Her eyes started welling up. The person whom she craved for. The person whom she wanted to see since so many years. The person whom she loved and cherished. She could believe what she was seeing.

With tears rolling down her cheeks, Flora took a deep breath and said, "Seini."

Uncle Oh who was still in daze could not believing what he was seeing. The person who was his everything. The woman whom he loved. Only he knows how he had felt that day when he saw her being shot. He still blamed himself for not saving her that day. The woman whom everyone assumed to be dead. She was alive. His Yulin was alive.

"Yulin." Uncle Oh in a very low voice.

"Flora who is it?" Christi asked.

Wiping her tears away, Yulin said, "An old friend from country S."

Uncle Oh felt a prick in his heart. Was he really just a friend?

Pulling Uncle Oh behind, Bambam stepped into the apartment and said, "Let me correct that. An abandoned lover and son."

Yulin froze when she realised who it was. How could she not recognise him? Though she had left him when he was very young, but she always kept an eye on him. The day he left country M to the day he was declared as an Oh, Yulin knew everything. Only she knows how happy she was when she heard about the father-son reunion.

The two most precious people in her life were standing in front of her. She wanted to hug them and cry her heart out. She wanted to be with them and never leave their side but that wasn't possible. With the presence of that disgusting man, Yulin knew she could never live in peace.

Christi frowned and said, "Flo-"

"Christi can you please leave us alone for sometime?" Yulin said.

Christi nodded her head and left.

After Christi left, Bambam mockingly laughed and said, "So what should I call you? Yang Yulin or Flora?"

"Kunpimook, I-"

"What did you think that after changing your name and place I would never be able to find you?" Bambam asked.

"Kun, Listen to me."

Slamming his hand in the wall, Bambam shouted, "Why? Why should I listen to you? Why?"

Pausing for a while, Bambam said, "Okay fine I'll listen to you. So tell me why did you do all this? Why did you leave me alone with that crazy man? Why did you fake your death? Why did you leave my father alone? Why did you do all of this?"

Yulin pursed her lips and chose not to say anything. What could she say? She had no idea how she would explain them everything? Would they even believe her? Will they ever forgive her?

"Speak damn it Speak." Bambam shouted.

Just then uncle Oh stepped forward and placed his hand on Bambam's shoulder and said, "Calm down Robbin and don't talk to her like that. She is your mother."

Bambam laughed and said, "You see this man here. After whatever you did he is still ready to accept you with open arms. He is willing to forgive you. He is willing to be with you no matter what. And what did you do to him? You left him. You left him all alone. Do you have any idea how much father blames himself for what happened that day? Do you have any idea how much he has struggled for all these years? Do you have any fucking idea?"


"Was that a gunshot?" Uncle Oh asked.

Just then a man arrived and said, "Sir they are here."

Taking out his gun, Bambam said, "Mother go and get your passport."


"No buts just go and get it. We don't have time." Bambam shouted.

Yulin knew what was going to happen and that was the thing she feared the most.

Seeing her standing there in daze, Uncle Oh grabbed her hand and said, "Let's go and get your passport."

"Seini I-"

"Don't say anything Yulin. I am not letting you go anywhere this time. Whatever it is we will face it together." Uncle Oh said.

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