394.Precaution is better than cure

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Hyunjin gulped in fear and slowly nodded his head.

"So now let's come to some man talking." Father Park said.

Hyunjin straightened his back and said, "Ya sure."

"I can see that you are sharing a room with my little daughter." Father Park said.

"Ya actually we- Ahem- I mean I-"

Father Park shook his head and said, "I am not against it but you should know when what is suppose to happen."

Hyunjin sighed and nodded his head.

"You are a man so you are the one who should take all the precautions. I hope you are understanding what I am trying to say." Father Park said.

"Yes Sir I am." Hyunjin said.

Pausing for a while, Father Park asked, "So are you using protection?" in a very low voice.

Hyunjin widened his eyes in shock and asked, "What? I mean what did you just ask me?"

Father Park cleared his throat and said, "I asked whether you are using protection or not?"

Hyunjin lowered his head and said, "*AHEM* yes we are."

Patting Hyunjin's shoulder, Father Paek said, "There is no use of feeling shy. We both are men so we can talk about things like this openly just don't tell Yeji about it."

Hyunjin sighed and nodded his head.

Just then Yeji came out of the guest room and said, "Dad mom is calling you inside."

"Hmm I'll go now. Goodnight." Father Park said.

"Good night sir." Hyunjin said.

Giving Yeji a kiss, Father Park entered his room.

After father Park left, Yeji hooked her arms around Hyunjin's neck and said, "So did he give you a hard time?"

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Hyunjin said, "Don't ask. You have no idea how dangerous your father and brother are."

Pulling him closer, Yeji said, "Well you know I am more dangerous than them."

Hyunjin smiled and asked, "In what way are you dangerous?"

Biting her lower lip, Yeji said, "Why don't we go inside our room and then I'll show you?"

Scooping her into his arms, Hyunjin started walking towards their room.


Jeon Mansion.

"Honey." Lisa said.


Drawing circles on his bare chest, Jungkook asked, "Have you thought about any name?"

"Yes." Jungkook said.

Lisa chuckled and said, "What is it?"

Jungkook shook his head and said, "I won't tell you."


"The moment I hold our baby in my hands, I'll announce the name then." Jungkook said.

"But-" as Lisa was about to say something, someone knocked at their door.

"Let me see." Jungkook said before getting down from the bed.

When Jungkook opened the door, Grandpa Jeon was standing outside.

When grandpa Jeon saw Jungkook, he frowned and said, "You brat go and where a shirt and then come to the study room."

"What is it Grandpa?" Jungkook asked.

"It's important." Grandpa Jeon said before walking towards the study room.


Inside the study room.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked.

Grandpa Jeon sighed and said, "Hyunsuk drugged Simon and took away a folder which had all the information about the Kim's."

Jungkook raised his eyebrows and asked, "Information about the Kim's?

Grandpa Jeon nodded his head and said, "You know what you have to do."

"You don't have to worry about the Kim's I'll take care of them but don't you think Hyunsuk is becoming more and more bold day by day?" Jungkook asked.

Grandpa Jeon nodded her head and said,v"He will become more dangerous after he gets the required funds."

Pausing for a while, Grandpa Jeon said, "It's time to activate the Yunos again."

Jungkook raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Activate the Yunos and start their training once again. Hyunsuk will, without any doubt use his Oska team. We cannot just sit back and let him do whatever he feels like. He has already killed someone who was very close to me several years a back and now I don't want the same thing to repeat. Precaution is better than cure so be alert and start making the preparation." Grandpa Jeon said.

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "I'll start it right away."

"Hmm. Hyunsuk has to wait for funds to activate Oska and he will need extra funds to train them and we don't lack funds. So let's take advantage of it and be prepared." Grandpa Jeon said.

Jungkook nodded his head and asked, "Okay but did you tell grandma about all this?"

Grandpa Jeon shook his head and said, "There is no need to involve your grandma in all this."

"All this started because of grandma. And what makes you think that Hyunsuk will not come looking for grandpa someday?" Jungkook asked.

"I'll never let that happen." Grandpa Jeon said.


"No buts. Go and warm your wife's bed and stop nagging me." Grandpa Jeon said.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and said, "Fine."

"How is my great grandchild?" Grandpa Jeon asked.

"Good but she keeps troubling my wife every now and then." Jungkook said.

Grandpa Jeon chuckled and said, "She will trouble you more after she comes out."


Outside Park Enterprise.

As Tzuyu was about to board her car, someone placed a cold and sharp object on her neck and said, "Don't shout or try to run otherwise I'll kill you."

"What do you want?" Tzuyu asked.

"Walk straight and board that black car which is parked across the street. Don't try to run or act smart because I have my men scattered all over this place. One wrong move from you and Young master Kunpimook will receive your corpse." The man said.

Tzuyu gulped in fear and obediently started walking towards the black car.

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