Continental Discovery

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2 hours later

Tanegashima Space Center

The launch of the rocket was notified urgently by the government. The launch was originally scheduled to coincide with the first sunrise of the year, but the launch had to be moved up because communication with all currently observable satellites had been disrupted. Even so, the staff did not panic and proceeded with the steady work.

"Don't panic, hurry up! It is too dangerous to have no more information from the satellite!!" The director of the space center barked at the staff and urged them to pick up the pace.

Two hours had already passed since the government's request, and preparations for the launch were almost complete.

"H-IIB is ready for launch."

"All right, all personnel, evacuate the launch site. I repeat, all personnel must evacuate the launch site."

The staff members who received the director's instructions evacuated to a safe area.

"Director, all personnel have been evacuated."

"Alright, ten minutes before launch. Complete all final checks."

Ten minutes later...

"Liftoff! Liftoff!"

With an out-of-this-world roar, the rocket took off into the sky.

"I hope this clarifies a lot of things..."

The Director's mutterings faded away as if absorbed into the jet-black sky.

Meanwhile, all the P-3Cs that had been on patrol on the unknown continent had returned to base for the time being. At the base, the other SDF officers were surprised to see that the crew of the P-3C who had returned looked very pale.

"H-how did it go?"

The observer who was asked replied with his pale face.

"No lights... I couldn't see a single light. I couldn't see a town or even a village... I wonder what happened to us..."

The SDF officers around them turned pale at these words. But seeing these young men, a veteran sergeant barked at them.

"Don't let your guard down! It is night now, so we couldn't see anything, but when the sun rises, we should be able to see a different view. As soon as dawn breaks, we will be called upon to mobilize again. Until then, each of you stay on standby while you rest yourselves!!"

The veteran's words seemed to have jolted the crewmen to their senses, and they returned to their posts. Of course, they were anxious, but they were motivated by the pride that they were standing on the front lines protecting Japan.


New Year's Day 2019, 04:30

Ministry of Defense

The Ministry of Defense had begun to formulate and analyze the reports.

"What in the world is going on...? This report still shows that what looks like the Eurasian continent is gone, and another continent is in its place..."

The aide on the side nodded at the executive's analysis.

"That's right. In a little while, the satellite will start operating, and we will begin observations as soon as dawn breaks and we finish our final checks. Then we should be able to accurately observe the situation Japan is in."

"I hope so... By the way, how do you predict this situation right now?"

"Well, I'm told... that the idea of a mere satellite failure is already being dismissed by the crews of the P-3C and AWACS. But if you ask me to predict more than that, I can only say... that it's too wild to be true?"

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