Levadad Meeting

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This is the third and final chapter of the month.

Finally, Reve made serious contact with the Japanese.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


March 22, 1741

Neutrine Empire, Capital Rumaest, Senate

The Neutrine Empire's Senate was in disarray.

There was only one cause. The two major port cities had been reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye by the onslaught of the Japanese.

"What is the military doing!? Why are we losing so many battles to a Yetisk lackey!?" one of the Senators roared, to which a senior naval officer replied in a cold sweat.

"We are still investigating the details, and we have not yet gathered enough information to bring you—"

"How long is this going to take!? If they can launch an attack like that on the capital, it will be the end of the Empire!!"

"How could they have launched an attack that massive in the first place!? I can't even imagine!!"

"I thought the Japanese were just a Yetisk vassal... but could it be they are just as capable as Yetisk!?"

"What a gathering of bollocks the military and intelligence are!!"

"Hear, hear!"

The situation was completely confusing and uncontrollable for almost two hours. In the midst of all this, young senator Camellia secretly sighed.

"I knew it, just as Master Meelo had said..."

Then she stood up.

"Permission to speak."

President Ocheion raised his hand and granted her.

"We should assume that it is a real possibility that a Japanese attack will strike the capital at this point. Fortunately, I am ready. I would like to take His Majesty on an outing right away."

These words caused the senators to pause. They had been thinking only of themselves, but now they realized that if the capital were attacked, the Emperor would be in danger. Camellia continued, wondering about that as well.

"What do you think, President Ocheion?"

Camellia looked at the President with a challenging look.

And then... Ocheion nodded.

"There is not a moment to lose. Camellia. Take His Majesty to the Sindhvan Community immediately with the guards. In the meantime, we will take measures to deal with the Japanese. Until things cool down, please keep the war situation as secret as possible from His Majesty."

"I understand."

As Camellia bowed, she smiled inwardly, knowing that she had finally done her part.

. . .

Three hours later


"...And with that, the Senate has granted permission for His Majesty's excursion. With this, your ruse will now take a step forward, Master Meelo."

"Lady Camellia, you have done a good job. We are already prepared. We will take His Majesty to Sindhvan immediately."

As Meelo praised the still-young Camellia, an older man standing next to Meelo spoke up.

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