Anti-Air Combat!

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This is this month's post. Finally, the combat part is here.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


September 26, 1750

200 km west of the Finweden Sea Kingdom

The patrol vessel Hashidate, which had been evacuating from the kingdom, was sailing through the western part of what was known as Norway in the old world at a speed of 15 knots. The captain, Jojima, was always sitting in his seat with his eyes closed, seemingly sleeping. However, everyone on the bridge knew that this posture was a way of gathering his thoughts so that he could respond quickly to any unexpected events.

"Captain, they haven't made a move yet," said Adachi, who had been keeping watch. Despite his posture, Jojima immediately responded.

"Yeah, for now, they'll let us get close to the edge of their territorial waters."

"It's almost a stalemate... I mean, it's kind of annoying... like an itch you can't scratch," uttered Nagase, scratching his neck with the hand that wasn't on the helm.

"In this world, there is the concept of territorial waters, after all. They probably don't want to be seen as suddenly attacking their own territory," Jojima replied. "It's just a matter of keeping up appearances, and besides, the surrounding countries are all friendly to Japan at the moment, so that might be influencing their decision as well."

"Maybe they're following the ideas of the ancient civilization."

At that moment, the radar picked up a twin-engine aircraft that had been flying overhead, and it suddenly turned back.

"Oh, the plane disappeared."

"Changing shifts?"

"Maybe they're up to something..."

Yamaguchi's remarks were proven correct.

The Finweden Navy fleet pointed all of its main and secondary guns at Hashidate while sending a Morse code message, which, due to the fact that they were referring to concepts influenced by the ancient civilization that had developed in the same way as Earth, could be understood by anyone who knew Morse code as easily as Earth's own Morse code.

"Received incoming transmission from the Finweden fleet. They demand that we immediately stop our ship, and if we do not comply, they will open fire on us. What shall we do, Captain?"

Jojima had been keeping his eyes like "silence is golden," but as soon as he heard those words, he opened his eyes wide.

"There's a standard response for situations like this."

"Standard response, sir?" asked Kusama.

Jojima smirked.

"It's 'You stupid!'"

"Oh, I see!" Morimoto exclaimed in understanding.

Meanwhile, Kusama had an expression that seemed to say, "Is this guy serious?"

Both reactions aside, Jojima didn't lose his smile.

"After all, giving this Hashidate, the epitome of Japanese technology, to a country with no diplomatic relations violates the law on technology leakage. That's why we can't just let them take it. Well, this means we'll be caught up in a fight... but we'll do what we can."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Send a distress call to the navy of either Grand Lago or Francesca. It's a long shot, but maybe one of them will come to our rescue."

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