Our Country's State-of-the-Art Machine Manufacturing Is Just Too Expensive

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This is the second chapter this month.

The Olympics have finally begun.

In the world I write about, the Olympics are nowhere near being held, but the reality is that it was clearly not the time to hold the games either. Still, now that the Olympics have been held, I would like them to focus more on not infecting people than on winning gold medals.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


Day 15 Month 11 Year 380 World Calendar

Barbarassa Empire, Capital Barbaronia

The current emperor of the Barbarassa Empire, Barbarassa XXI, was pleased to have his army of lizardmen spread out before his eyes.

On this day, the empire will launch a full-scale invasion of the Elmeris Kingdom to become the only nation in this World (Australia), and this was the launching ceremony for the invasion. Tomorrow, they will go to the harbor to see off the departure of 300 warships.

Barbarassa XXI ascended the prepared platform and declared to the soldiers lined up in front of him.

"My brave and strong soldiers! The time has come!! The men and women of Elmeris have arrogantly tried to expand their stone walls and cities, but such tricks will not work in front of the powerful army of the lizardmen and the dragonoids!!"

By "expanding their stone walls and cities," he was referring to the expansion and defense policies by Japan and the Grand Lago Kingdom over several months, but if the lizardmen and dragonoid over there came, they would be exposed by their race in the first place, so they could only observe this and that from a distance. Therefore, the scouts saw the huge stone walls and moat, but thought that the walls were only a show, and the moat was just a sabotage.

The Barbarassa Empire has lived in a very small world where only the Elmeris Kingdom is the only other country that exists. Because of this, they have not developed the concept of defensive strategies such as walls and moats, as they have been ingrained with the belief that "they are the supreme beings in the World."

"Do not think about anything!! Just take it all and crush them!!"


They put an emphasis on mobility to deploy troops quickly, so they were doing a good job of scouting and patrolling by using flying dragons. On this expedition, 100 of the 150 wyverns will be used for the expedition, and 50 will be used to defend the homeland.

A breakdown of the forces is as follows:

- 20.000 light infantrymen

- 10.000 heavy infantrymen

- 7.000 archers

- 3.000 dragon riders (hobgoblin dragon)

- 500 heavy dragon riders (ogre dragon and larger dragons)

- 200 attack dragon riders

- 1.000 flying dragon riders (including carriers and caretakers)

- 20.000 transport/transport escort soldiers

Of these, the heavy troops include dinosaurs similar to Spinosaurus and Tyrannosaurus in addition to Allosaurus, and the attack troops include Ankylosaurus and Triceratops in steel plate armor, as well as a very small number of Brachiosaurus-like dinosaurs. Meanwhile, the transporters were deployed with herbivorous dinosaurs similar to Parasaurolophus to pull the wagons. These dinosaurs were also responsible for pulling wagons carrying wyverns.

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