The Sea Kingdom's Miscalculation

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This will be this month's post. This may be a bit of a surprising storyline.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


The cold was less than expected as Nohara and Kawaguchi followed the guides into the palace.

"Look, senpai, the walls are covered with wood."

"It's probably because it's a heat insulator. It traps the heat inside and at the same time prevents the cold outside from entering. They seem to have thought this part through properly... The soldiers guarding the outside must be suffering."

"Sure, no matter how warm it is inside, it's cold outside..."

"I wonder if bullets will freeze like that? It would be a disaster if it froze."

The fact that the "inside" of the ammunition does not freeze and the fact that it is so cold that the soldiers change ammunition when they change in an hour is a good sign. In short, both people and supplies are put inside a warm room frequently to reduce the burden.

The interior of Singularity Castle is surprisingly plain, with a few paintings and jewelry, but other than that, it is a rather drab place.

"What's going on here? I would expect a palace to be decorated in a variety of ways."

"Humm... I have a hypothesis..."

Nohara recalled a previous joint study by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on the history of this planet.

"You remember that the civilization here is made by the ancient civilization... the people with technology so advanced we can consider them to be from the far future, the ones who departed to outer space with the intention of returning in the future, and the demi-humans who were experiments went on Earth, right?"

"Yes. The Yi Empire and the Yetisk Empire developed as great powers by analyzing the remains of their civilization, right? Finweden is taking advantage of that... is it possible?"

"Yeah. The Grand Lago Kingdom and the Divine Kingdom of Anubisius, which have developed independently in this world, have also developed their own culture, but those who have developed by analyzing the remains of ancient civilization are so focused on developing technology that they do not have the time to develop art and culture."

Nohara was correct. The Yi Empire, the Yetisk Empire, and the Finweden Sea Kingdom, a Yetisk vassal state, rely almost entirely on technology and design ideas excavated from the remains of the ancient civilization. And since their primary goal is simply to 'develop technology and catch up with the ancient humans,' they do not give much thought at all, if any, to art, culture, or anything else that might be considered 'spiritual comfort.'

As a matter of fact, even the few works of art that existed in the palace were purchased from Francesca and Grand Lago.

"I see... that because they are thinking only of technological development centering on the military, they have little room in their heart that they must have as a human being."

"Well... that's just my guess. I'm not surprised that they've developed at least some military music for the quintessential military... but even that may be questionable."

They went to the back and stood in front of a wooden but unadorned armored door. The goblin male who led them to the door knocked with a door knocker.

"I have brought the envoys from Japan."

A voice from inside the room said, "Enter," and the guide slowly opened the door. The room was aptly named the King's Chamber, and the decorations seemed to be more solid than the other rooms. However, upon closer look, they can see that the style of the decorations is different, some are in the style of Francesca and others are in the style of Anubisius.

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