The (Self-Proclaimed) Most Powerful Empire

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This is this month's post.

...Thank you for your tremendous patience. Finally, the Yetisk Empire is finally here!!

- Kazuhiro Kasami


November 2, 2032

Prime Minister's Office, Tokyo, Japan

On this day, the Prime Minister conducted teleconferences with various countries with whom there is currently an exchange of dialogue. The main topics, of course, revolved around discussions on the Yetisk Empire and what measures should be taken in the future.

Thanks to the robust satellite communication network established over the past 14 years through the launch of a large number of communication satellites after Japan's transference, it had become possible for multiple individuals to engage in teleconferences simultaneously, provided they had the necessary equipment. This not only saved national leaders the trouble and risk of traveling for meetings in various countries but also allowed them to allocate more resources to domestic affairs, as they no longer needed to move from their own countries. This change has been greatly appreciated, enabling smooth intergovernmental conferences. While there were still many meetings that required face-to-face interaction, even after the widespread use of video calls on Earth, in this world, the prevailing view is that "While it is indeed important to meet in person, given the current state of emergency, it is far more efficient and secure to conduct meetings within one's own country." Hence, teleconferences with Finweden and others are the current norm.

However, the leaders of each country do not look pleased, and it's all due to the Yetisk Empire, the world's strongest nation lurking behind the Finweden Sea Kingdom's attack on the Japanese.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Francesca began with a preface, saying, "To put it bluntly, until Japan appeared, we thought the Empire's capabilities were an unknown quantity, and we believed it to be the strongest. Japan's emergence completely changed that..."

King Pantera of the Divine Kingdom of Anubisius continued, "Indeed," he said, "thanks to Japan's analysis, at least for now, the Empire's power is gradually becoming clear. We hope that Japan, with its strength, can deal a severe blow to the Empire and bring it into the international cooperation arena. How does Japan feel about this?"

The Japanese Prime Minister, when asked, prefaced his response, saying, "For now," and then answered, "As for the Yetisk Empire, we seem to be adopting a 'wait and see' stance. Not only the Navy but also the Army... at least there doesn't seem to be any indication of large-scale movement. According to reports from the Ministry of Defense and the Neutrine Empire, the border areas of Neutrine also appear to be calm."

The young Emperor Reve, who was asked to weigh in, also replied with a "Yes."

"Given the current tension between Japan and the Sea Kingdom, the Empire should not remain indifferent to Japan. However, despite that, it appears that there is little to no movement within the Empire."

This information was sourced from the catmen who are undercover as slaves in the Empire. Because this is one of the few pieces of information about the Empire in the world, all countries are closely interested.

"It's just, according to the rumors... recently, there's talk that a new type of warship has been commissioned. Its length is said to be quite close to Japan's aircraft carriers..."

"Which aircraft carrier are you referring to? The Izumo? The Amagi?"

"The person themselves said, 'It seemed to be around 250 meters,' so it's believed to be close to the Izumo-class."

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