Ganeshade, the Halidom of Terror

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This is the second chapter this month.

On a personal note, I just recently found an arcade game of this ship (I looked it up after I found it and found that it had been around for about 4 years...), so I started it anyway if I didn't know how to log into the computer version.

My personal favorite of the current main fleet is Haguro, who has been with me since the beginning.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


October 20, 1742

Halidom of Ganeshade, 15 km off the coast of the Bay of Bengal (equivalent)

The Japanese and other nations' delegations had finally arrived at this world's version of the Bay of Bengal. A short distance from here, there is a place that is located in the same place as Kolkata in the old world. Satellite photos showed primitive port facilities there, and from here they would be transferred by small boats.

The envoys from Japan, Grand Lago, Francesca, Spernino, Italicia, Anubisius, Neutrine, and Sindhvan landed in the Halidom of Ganeshade for the first time.

"...I thought I knew some of it because I'd seen it on satellite photos, but I didn't realize how primitive it was..."

"Less than the Republic of Francesca, yes."

Odagiri and Katsurayama of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who were sent as envoys, widened their eyes at the shoddiness that was beyond their expectations.

To be more specific, some of the buildings are made mainly of stone, but most of them are wooden. Furthermore, there were no ironware-like structures to be found. In terms of the level of civilization, it is definitely below even Francesca's level.

"However, I have heard that the Arachne have special abilities, so perhaps there's some technology that we don't know about."

They won't know everything until they meet them. The delegations of each country nervously boarded the vehicles prepared by the SDF. The escort vehicles, Type 96 APCs and High-Mobility Vehicles, as well as a total of 20 transport trucks, were also on their way.

They will now head to a place located between Kanpur and Jaipur in the old world because it was the most densely populated place as far as satellite photos were analyzed. It was already analyzed that it would take them until the next day to get there, even if they went upstream along the river.

"Well then, everyone, we are leaving now."


The members of the delegation nodded as they boarded the large wagons with high-ceiling prepared by the Japanese. However, it goes in a direction that no one expected...


October 21, 1742

Halidom of Ganeshade, Holy City Kanjai

The Halidom of Ganeshade is a theocracy that, for one reason or another, worships a deity called Ganeshade. The Arachne race, who inhabit this country, is one of a special race of people who are only consisted of females, like the Lamia of the Sindhvan Community and the Scylla in the current Japanese territory, and who cannot reproduce without men of other species.

The Sindhvan Community has thrived by welcoming lizardmen and dragonoid from outside in the form of coexistence and co-prosperity, as well as immigrant werewolves, elves, and dark elves, and giving them citizenship. However, this was not the case for the Halidom. There are no sweet words such as 'coexistence' and 'co-prosperity' in their religious teachings.

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