Only Do It When It's Okay to Do It by Force (Friend or Foe)

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This is the second chapter this month.

We will finally see the attack on the Barbarassa Empire's castle.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


The Barbarassan army, which had been plunged into chaos by the fierce Japanese air attack, had messengers running around in various parts of the city, trying to somehow deploy troops for defense in the city. However, most of the soldiers' quarters had been destroyed, and only a few soldiers and the guards at the small filling stations in the city could be quickly assembled.

Even the Republic of Francesca had established a Morse code communication network, thanks to the benefits of the Grand Lago Kingdom, but this country... nay, this World (Australia), was not yet able to establish such technology as it had been isolated from the rest of the planet for a long period of time. Even so, thanks to the efforts of the messengers who continued to run, the number of soldiers scattered around the capital in the form of posts could number more than 10.000.

In order to obstruct the invasion of the enemy, barricades were built in various parts of the city with household goods and stones, and spears, axes, bows, and ballistae were prepared to await the expected invasion of the enemy. In addition, many carts with stakes to which iron plates were attached were prepared on the roadsides to intercept the 'iron dragons' that were reportedly seen on the battlefield earlier. The plan was that if push came to shove, they would ram it into the iron dragon and smash its side in.

"This won't be an easy one to beat... I think."

"Considering the overwhelming attack from the sky just now, I'm not so sure about that confidence anymore."

The soldiers were all nervously waiting for the enemy. Then, from outside the city, something was seen galloping with a cloud of dust.

"Here it comes!! Guards, ready your bows!!"

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble...

Those things were moving at an unusual speed, and in the blink of an eye, their silhouettes grew larger and larger. Their appearance cannot be described by words, a moving object with wheels that one might want to call an 'iron cart.'

"That's fast... RELEASE!!"

The arrows, which were released in response to the commander's order, were all pierced into the ground without hitting the moving object, which was much faster than they had expected, while emitting a wind noise.

"Damn! It's too fast!!"

The capital of the Barbarassa Empire, which was originally not prepared for defending itself, is not covered with walls, so there are no gates. Therefore, the only way to prevent an invasion is to gather soldiers at the entrance.

"Long spearmen, defensive formation!!"

The soldiers lined up at equal intervals and pointed their spears to create a line of spear bedding. This is the so-called "phalanx" formation. In Japan, it was well known that during the Sengoku period, Nobunaga Oda made his soldiers make long spears as long as 6 meters (usually about 4 meters) because he said that short spears were not convenient.

The battles of Nagashino and Shitara Plain were other examples of Nobunaga's rational battle strategy, in which he had his troops use a large number of firearms with exchanging volleys. In a manner of speaking, it is similar to today's strategy of hitting an enemy outside their range using guided missiles and long-range bombardment.

Although this is a bit of a digression, one theory as to why Nobunaga put so much effort into devising weapons is that he wanted to somehow make the Owari soldiers, who were said to be weak in an environment 'blessed with a warm climate and good soil plains,' useful in battle, and so he piled up his innovations. The same may be said of the regular training of the standing army and the accompanying ashigaru.

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